2006年に同じ著者は、The Essence of the Iterator Pattern を発表した。リンクしたのは改訂された 2009年版。この論文は GoF の Iterator パターンを投射 (mapping) と累積 (accumulating) に分解することで applicative スタイルに関する議論を展開している。
論文の前半は関数型の反復と applicative スタイルの報告となっている。applicative functor に関しては、以下の 3種類あるとしている: 1. Monadic applicative functors 2. Naperian applicative functors 3. Monoidal applicative functors
全てのモナドが applicative であることは何回か話した。Naperian applicative functor は固定された形のデータ構造を zip するものだ。また、applicative functor は最初は idiom と名付けられたらしいので、この論文で idiomatic という言葉が出てきたら applicative という意味だ。
Scalaz は Monoid[m].applicative
を実装して、どんな Monoid でも applicative に変換できる。
scala> Monoid[Int].applicative.ap2(1, 1)(0)
res99: Int = 2
scala> Monoid[List[Int]].applicative.ap2(List(1), List(1))(Nil)
res100: List[Int] = List(1, 1)
Like monads, applicative functors are closed under products; so two independent idiomatic effects can generally be fused into one, their product.
Scalaz では、Applicative
型クラスに product
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] with Pointed[F] { self =>
/**The product of Applicatives `F` and `G`, `[x](F[x], G[x]])`, is an Applicative */
def product[G[_]](implicit G0: Applicative[G]): Applicative[({type λ[α] = (F[α], G[α])})#λ] = new ProductApplicative[F, G] {
implicit def F = self
implicit def G = G0
これを使って List
と Option
scala> Applicative[List].product[Option]
res0: scalaz.Applicative[[α](List[α], Option[α])] = scalaz.Applicative$$anon$2@211b3c6a
scala> Applicative[List].product[Option].point(1)
res1: (List[Int], Option[Int]) = (List(1),Some(1))
積は Tuple2
として実装されているみたいだ。Applicative スタイルを使って append してみよう:
scala> ((List(1), 1.some) |@| (List(1), 1.some)) {_ |+| _}
res2: (List[Int], Option[Int]) = (List(1, 1),Some(2))
scala> ((List(1), 1.success[String]) |@| (List(1), "boom".failure[Int])) {_ |+| _}
res6: (List[Int], scalaz.Validation[String,Int]) = (List(1, 1),Failure(boom))
Unlike monads in general, applicative functors are also closed under composition; so two sequentially-dependent idiomatic effects can generally be fused into one, their composition.
これは Applicative
では compose
trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] with Pointed[F] { self =>
/**The composition of Applicatives `F` and `G`, `[x]F[G[x]]`, is an Applicative */
def compose[G[_]](implicit G0: Applicative[G]): Applicative[({type λ[α] = F[G[α]]})#λ] = new CompositionApplicative[F, G] {
implicit def F = self
implicit def G = G0
と Option
scala> Applicative[List].compose[Option]
res7: scalaz.Applicative[[α]List[Option[α]]] = scalaz.Applicative$$anon$1@461800f1
scala> Applicative[List].compose[Option].point(1)
res8: List[Option[Int]] = List(Some(1))
The two operators
allow us to combine idiomatic computations in two different ways; we call them parallel and sequential composition, respectively.
Applicative を合成しても applicative が得られるのは便利だ。この特性を利用してこの論文ではモジュール性の話をしているんだと思う。
Traversal involves iterating over the elements of a data structure, in the style of a
, but interpreting certain function applications idiomatically.
これに対応する Scalaz 7 での型クラスは Traverse
trait Traverse[F[_]] extends Functor[F] with Foldable[F] { self =>
def traverseImpl[G[_]:Applicative,A,B](fa: F[A])(f: A => G[B]): G[F[B]]
これは traverse
trait TraverseOps[F[_],A] extends Ops[F[A]] {
final def traverse[G[_], B](f: A => G[B])(implicit G: Applicative[G]): G[F[B]] =
scala> List(1, 2, 3) traverse { x => (x > 0) option (x + 1) }
res14: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(2, 3, 4))
scala> List(1, 2, 0) traverse { x => (x > 0) option (x + 1) }
res15: Option[List[Int]] = None
に注入された option
演算子は (x > 0) option (x + 1)
を if (x > 0) Some(x + 1) else None
In the case of a monadic applicative functor, traversal specialises to monadic map, and has the same uses.
確かに flatMap
的な感じがする、ただし渡された関数が List
を返すことを要請する代わりに [G: Applicative]
であるときの G[B]
For a monoidal applicative functor, traversal accumulates values. The function reduce performs that accumulation, given an argument that assigns a value to each element.
scala> Monoid[Int].applicative.traverse(List(1, 2, 3)) {_ + 1}
res73: Int = 9
In addition to being parametrically polymorphic in the collection elements, the generic traverse operation is parametrised along two further dimensions: the datatype being traversed, and the applicative functor in which the traversal is interpreted. Specialising the latter to lists as a monoid yields a generic contents operation.
scala> def contents[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]): List[A] =
Monoid[List[A]].applicative.traverse(f) {List(_)}
contents: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])List[A]
scala> contents(List(1, 2, 3))
res87: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> contents(NonEmptyList(1, 2, 3))
res88: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3)
scala> val tree: Tree[Char] = 'P'.node('O'.leaf, 'L'.leaf)
tree: scalaz.Tree[Char] = <tree>
scala> contents(tree)
res90: List[Char] = List(P, O, L)
これで Traverse
をサポートするデータ構造ならばなんでも List
scala> def contents[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]): List[A] =
f.traverse[({type l[X]=List[A]})#l, A] {List(_)}
contents: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])List[A]
The other half of the decomposition is obtained simply by a map, which is to say, a traversal interpreted in the identity idiom.
ここでの “identity idiom” とは Scalaz の Id
scala> def shape[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]): F[Unit] =
f traverse {_ => ((): Id[Unit])}
shape: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])F[Unit]
scala> shape(List(1, 2, 3))
res95: List[Unit] = List((), (), ())
scala> shape(tree).drawTree
res98: String =
This pair of traversals nicely illustrates the two aspects of iterations that we are focussing on, namely mapping and accumulation.
scala> def decompose[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]) = (shape(f), contents(f))
decompose: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])(F[Unit], List[A])
scala> decompose(tree)
res110: (scalaz.Tree[Unit], List[Char]) = (<tree>,List(P, O, L))
これは動作したけど、木構造を 2回ループしている。Applicative の積は applicative なことを覚えているよね?
scala> def decompose[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]) =
Applicative[Id].product[({type l[X]=List[A]})#l].traverse(f) { x => (((): Id[Unit]), List(x)) }
decompose: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])(scalaz.Scalaz.Id[F[Unit]], List[A])
scala> decompose(List(1, 2, 3, 4))
res135: (scalaz.Scalaz.Id[List[Unit]], List[Int]) = (List((), (), (), ()),List(1, 2, 3, 4))
scala> decompose(tree)
res136: (scalaz.Scalaz.Id[scalaz.Tree[Unit]], List[Char]) = (<tree>,List(P, O, L))
上の実装は monoidal applicative functor を得るのに型注釈に頼っているから Haskell のように綺麗には書けない:
decompose = traverse (shapeBody ⊗ contentsBody)
は sequence
という便利なメソッドも導入する。これは Haskell の sequence
関数に由来する命名だから、Hoogle してみる:
`haskell sequence :: Monad m => [m a] -> m [a]
` Evaluate each action in the sequence from left to right, and collect the results.
これが sequence
/** Traverse with the identity function */
final def sequence[G[_], B](implicit ev: A === G[B], G: Applicative[G]): G[F[B]] = {
val fgb: F[G[B]] = ev.subst[F](self)
の代わりに要請が Applicative
scala> List(1.some, 2.some).sequence
res156: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2))
scala> List(1.some, 2.some, none).sequence
res157: Option[List[Int]] = None
これは使えそうだ。さらに Traverse
scala> val validationTree: Tree[Validation[String, Int]] = 1.success[String].node(
2.success[String].leaf, 3.success[String].leaf)
validationTree: scalaz.Tree[scalaz.Validation[String,Int]] = <tree>
scala> validationTree.sequence[({type l[X]=Validation[String, X]})#l, Int]
res162: scalaz.Validation[String,scalaz.Unapply[scalaz.Traverse,scalaz.Tree[scalaz.Validation[String,Int]]]{type M[X] = scalaz.Tree[X]; type A = scalaz.Validation[String,Int]}#M[Int]] = Success(<tree>)
scala> val failedTree: Tree[Validation[String, Int]] = 1.success[String].node(
2.success[String].leaf, "boom".failure[Int].leaf)
failedTree: scalaz.Tree[scalaz.Validation[String,Int]] = <tree>
scala> failedTree.sequence[({type l[X]=Validation[String, X]})#l, Int]
res163: scalaz.Validation[String,scalaz.Unapply[scalaz.Traverse,scalaz.Tree[scalaz.Validation[String,Int]]]{type M[X] = scalaz.Tree[X]; type A = scalaz.Validation[String,Int]}#M[Int]] = Failure(boom)
We have found it convenient to consider special cases of effectful traversals, in which the mapping aspect is independent of the accumulation, and vice versa. The first of these traversals accumulates elements effectfully, with an operation of type
a → m ()
, but modifies those elements purely and independently of this accumulation, with a function of typea → b
これは for
は traverse
を State
モナドに特殊化した traverseS
も導入する。これを使うと collect
scala> def collect[F[_]: Traverse, A, S, B](t: F[A])(f: A => B)(g: S => S) =
t.traverseS[S, B] { a => State { (s: S) => (g(s), f(a)) } }
collect: [F[_], A, S, B](t: F[A])(f: A => B)(g: S => S)(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])scalaz.State[S,scalaz.Unapply[scalaz.Traverse,F[A]]{type M[X] = F[X]; type A = A}#M[B]]
scala> val loop = collect(List(1, 2, 3, 4)) {(_: Int) * 2} {(_: Int) + 1}
loop: scalaz.State[Int,scalaz.Unapply[scalaz.Traverse,List[Int]]{type M[X] = List[X]; type A = Int}#M[Int]] = scalaz.package$State$$anon$1@3926008a
scala> loop(0)
res165: (Int, scalaz.Unapply[scalaz.Traverse,List[Int]]{type M[X] = List[X]; type A = Int}#M[Int]) = (4,List(2, 4, 6, 8))
The second kind of traversal modifies elements purely but dependent on the state, with a binary function of type
a → b → c
, evolving this state independently of the elements, via a computation of typem b
これはやっていることは traverseS
scala> def label[F[_]: Traverse, A](f: F[A]): F[Int] =
(f.traverseS {_ => for {
n <- get[Int]
x <- put(n + 1)
} yield n}) eval 0
label: [F[_], A](f: F[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Traverse[F])F[Int]
これはデータ構造の内容を無視して、0 から始まる数字で置換している。かなり副作用的 (effecty) だ。List
と Tree
scala> label(List(10, 2, 8))
res176: List[Int] = List(0, 1, 2)
scala> label(tree).drawTree
res177: String =
EIP は Scala の関数型をやってる人の間では人気の論文みたいだ。
Eric Torreborre (@etorreborre) さんの The Essence of the Iterator Pattern が一番この論文を詳しく研究している。これは Iterator パターンの本質として僕が訳させてもらった。基礎からみていっているので、じっくり読む価値がある。
Debasish Ghosh (@debasishg) さんの Iteration in Scala - effectful yet functional は短めだけど、Scalaz に焦点を絞って良い所を持っていっている。
Marc-Daniel Ortega (@patterngazer) さんの Where we traverse, accumulate and collect in Scala も Scalaz を使って sequence
や collect