Hoogle を使って Haskell の型クラスを調べることができる。例えば、Control.Monad.Identity
monad is a monad that does not embody any computational strategy. It simply applies the bound function to its input without any modification. Computationally, there is no reason to use theIdentity
monad instead of the much simpler act of simply applying functions to their arguments. The purpose of theIdentity
monad is its fundamental role in the theory of monad transformers. Any monad transformer applied to theIdentity
monad yields a non-transformer version of that monad.
Scalaz に対応する型はこれだ:
/** The strict identity type constructor. Can be thought of as `Tuple1`, but with no
* runtime representation.
type Id[+X] = X
モナド変換子は後回しにするとして、面白いのは全てのデータ型はその型の Id
scala> (0: Id[Int])
res39: scalaz.Scalaz.Id[Int] = 0
Scalaz はこの Id
trait IdOps[A] extends Ops[A] {
/**Returns `self` if it is non-null, otherwise returns `d`. */
final def ??(d: => A)(implicit ev: Null <:< A): A =
if (self == null) d else self
/**Applies `self` to the provided function */
final def |>[B](f: A => B): B = f(self)
final def squared: (A, A) = (self, self)
def left[B]: (A \/ B) = \/.left(self)
def right[B]: (B \/ A) = \/.right(self)
final def wrapNel: NonEmptyList[A] = NonEmptyList(self)
/** @return the result of pf(value) if defined, otherwise the the Zero element of type B. */
def matchOrZero[B: Monoid](pf: PartialFunction[A, B]): B = ...
/** Repeatedly apply `f`, seeded with `self`, checking after each iteration whether the predicate `p` holds. */
final def doWhile(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A = ...
/** Repeatedly apply `f`, seeded with `self`, checking before each iteration whether the predicate `p` holds. */
final def whileDo(f: A => A, p: A => Boolean): A = ...
/** If the provided partial function is defined for `self` run this,
* otherwise lift `self` into `F` with the provided [[scalaz.Pointed]]. */
def visit[F[_] : Pointed](p: PartialFunction[A, F[A]]): F[A] = ...
scala> 1 + 2 + 3 |> {_.point[List]}
res45: List[Int] = List(6)
scala> 1 + 2 + 3 |> {_ * 6}
res46: Int = 36
scala> 1 visit { case x@(2|3) => List(x * 2) }
res55: List[Int] = List(1)
scala> 2 visit { case x@(2|3) => List(x * 2) }
res56: List[Int] = List(4)