Learn You a Haskell for Great Good says:
Whereas the
monad is for values with an added context of failure, and the list monad is for nondeterministic values,Writer
monad is for values that have another value attached that acts as a sort of log value.
Let’s follow the book and implement applyLog
scala> def isBigGang(x: Int): (Boolean, String) =
(x > 9, "Compared gang size to 9.")
isBigGang: (x: Int)(Boolean, String)
scala> implicit class PairOps[A](pair: (A, String)) {
def applyLog[B](f: A => (B, String)): (B, String) = {
val (x, log) = pair
val (y, newlog) = f(x)
(y, log ++ newlog)
defined class PairOps
scala> (3, "Smallish gang.") applyLog isBigGang
res30: (Boolean, String) = (false,Smallish gang.Compared gang size to 9.)
Since method injection is a common use case for implicits, Scala 2.10 adds a syntax sugar called implicit class to make the promotion from a class to an enriched class easier. Here’s how we can generalize the log to a Monoid
scala> implicit class PairOps[A, B: Monoid](pair: (A, B)) {
def applyLog[C](f: A => (C, B)): (C, B) = {
val (x, log) = pair
val (y, newlog) = f(x)
(y, log |+| newlog)
defined class PairOps
scala> (3, "Smallish gang.") applyLog isBigGang
res31: (Boolean, String) = (false,Smallish gang.Compared gang size to 9.)
To attach a monoid to a value, we just need to put them together in a tuple. The
Writer w a
type is just anewtype
wrapper for this.
In Scalaz, the equivalent is called Writer
type Writer[+W, +A] = WriterT[Id, W, A]
Writer[+W, +A]
is a type alias for WriterT[Id, W, A]
Here’s the simplified version of WriterT
sealed trait WriterT[F[+_], +W, +A] { self =>
val run: F[(W, A)]
def written(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[W] =
def value(implicit F: Functor[F]): F[A] =
It wasn’t immediately obvious to me how a writer is actually created at first, but eventually figured it out:
scala> 3.set("Smallish gang.")
res46: scalaz.Writer[String,Int] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26@477a0c05
The following operators are supported by all data types enabled by import Scalaz._
trait ToDataOps extends ToIdOps with ToTreeOps with ToWriterOps with ToValidationOps with ToReducerOps with ToKleisliOps
The operator in question is part of WriterV
trait WriterV[A] extends Ops[A] {
def set[W](w: W): Writer[W, A] = WriterT.writer(w -> self)
def tell: Writer[A, Unit] = WriterT.tell(self)
The above methods are injected to all types so we can use them to create Writers:
scala> 3.set("something")
res57: scalaz.Writer[String,Int] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26@159663c3
scala> "something".tell
res58: scalaz.Writer[String,Unit] = scalaz.WriterTFunctions$$anon$26@374de9cf
What if we want to get the identity value like return 3 :: Writer String Int
? Monad[F[_]]
expects a type constructor with one parameter, but Writer[+W, +A]
takes two. There’s a helper type in Scalaz called MonadWriter
to help us out:
scala> MonadWriter[Writer, String]
res62: scalaz.MonadWriter[scalaz.Writer,String] = scalaz.WriterTInstances$$anon$1@6b8501fa
scala> MonadWriter[Writer, String].point(3).run
res64: (String, Int) = ("",3)
Now that we have a
instance, we’re free to usedo
notation forWriter
Let’s implement the example in Scala:
scala> def logNumber(x: Int): Writer[List[String], Int] =
x.set(List("Got number: " + x.shows))
logNumber: (x: Int)scalaz.Writer[List[String],Int]
scala> def multWithLog: Writer[List[String], Int] = for {
a <- logNumber(3)
b <- logNumber(5)
} yield a * b
multWithLog: scalaz.Writer[List[String],Int]
scala> multWithLog.run
res67: (List[String], Int) = (List(Got number: 3, Got number: 5),15)
Here’s the gcd
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Writer[List[String], Int] =
if (b == 0) for {
_ <- List("Finished with " + a.shows).tell
} yield a
List(a.shows + " mod " + b.shows + " = " + (a % b).shows).tell >>= { _ =>
gcd(b, a % b)
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
gcd: (a: Int, b: Int)scalaz.Writer[List[String],Int]
scala> gcd(8, 3).run
res71: (List[String], Int) = (List(8 mod 3 = 2, 3 mod 2 = 1, 2 mod 1 = 0, Finished with 1),1)
When using the
monad, you have to be careful which monoid to use, because using lists can sometimes turn out to be very slow. That’s because lists use++
and using++
to add something to the end of a list is slow if that list is really long.
Here’s the table of performance characteristics for major collections. What stands out for immutable collection is Vector
since it has effective constant for all operations. Vector
is a tree structure with the branching factor of 32, and it’s able to achieve fast updates by structure sharing.
For whatever reason, Scalaz 7 does not enable typeclasses for Vector
s using import Scalaz._
. So let’s import it manually:
scala> import std.vector._
import std.vector._
scala> Monoid[Vector[String]]
res73: scalaz.Monoid[Vector[String]] = scalaz.std.IndexedSeqSubInstances$$anon$4@6f82f06f
Here’s the vector version of gcd
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
def gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Writer[Vector[String], Int] =
if (b == 0) for {
_ <- Vector("Finished with " + a.shows).tell
} yield a
else for {
result <- gcd(b, a % b)
_ <- Vector(a.shows + " mod " + b.shows + " = " + (a % b).shows).tell
} yield result
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
gcd: (a: Int, b: Int)scalaz.Writer[Vector[String],Int]
scala> gcd(8, 3).run
res74: (Vector[String], Int) = (Vector(Finished with 1, 2 mod 1 = 0, 3 mod 2 = 1, 8 mod 3 = 2),1)
Like the book let’s write a microbenchmark to compare the performance:
import std.vector._
def vectorFinalCountDown(x: Int): Writer[Vector[String], Unit] = {
import annotation.tailrec
@tailrec def doFinalCountDown(x: Int, w: Writer[Vector[String], Unit]): Writer[Vector[String], Unit] = x match {
case 0 => w >>= { _ => Vector("0").tell }
case x => doFinalCountDown(x - 1, w >>= { _ =>
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
val r = doFinalCountDown(x, Vector[String]().tell)
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis
r >>= { _ => Vector((t1 - t0).shows + " msec").tell }
def listFinalCountDown(x: Int): Writer[List[String], Unit] = {
import annotation.tailrec
@tailrec def doFinalCountDown(x: Int, w: Writer[List[String], Unit]): Writer[List[String], Unit] = x match {
case 0 => w >>= { _ => List("0").tell }
case x => doFinalCountDown(x - 1, w >>= { _ =>
val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
val r = doFinalCountDown(x, List[String]().tell)
val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis
r >>= { _ => List((t1 - t0).shows + " msec").tell }
We can now run this as follows:
scala> vectorFinalCountDown(10000).run
res18: (Vector[String], Unit) = (Vector(10000, 9999, 9998, 9997, 9996, 9995, 9994, 9993, 9992, 9991, 9990, 9989, 9988, 9987, 9986, 9985, 9984, ...
scala> res18._1.last
res19: String = 1206 msec
scala> listFinalCountDown(10000).run
res20: (List[String], Unit) = (List(10000, 9999, 9998, 9997, 9996, 9995, 9994, 9993, 9992, 9991, 9990, 9989, 9988, 9987, 9986, 9985, 9984, ...
scala> res20._1.last
res21: String = 2050 msec
As you can see List
is taking almost double the time.