

So far, when we were mapping functions over functors, we usually mapped functions that take only one parameter. But what happens when we map a function like *, which takes two parameters, over a functor?

scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4) map {(_: Int) * (_:Int)}
<console>:14: error: type mismatch;
 found   : (Int, Int) => Int
 required: Int => ?
              List(1, 2, 3, 4) map {(_: Int) * (_:Int)}

Oops. We have to curry this:

scala> List(1, 2, 3, 4) map {(_: Int) * (_:Int)}.curried
res11: List[Int => Int] = List(<function1>, <function1>, <function1>, <function1>)

scala> res11 map {_(9)}
res12: List[Int] = List(9, 18, 27, 36)


Meet the Applicative typeclass. It lies in the Control.Applicative module and it defines two methods, pure and <*>.

Let’s see the contract for Scalaz’s Applicative:

trait Applicative[F[_]] extends Apply[F] { self =>
  def point[A](a: => A): F[A]

  /** alias for `point` */
  def pure[A](a: => A): F[A] = point(a)


So Applicative extends another typeclass Apply, and introduces point and its alias pure.


pure should take a value of any type and return an applicative value with that value inside it. … A better way of thinking about pure would be to say that it takes a value and puts it in some sort of default (or pure) context—a minimal context that still yields that value.

Scalaz likes the name point instead of pure, and it seems like it’s basically a constructor that takes value A and returns F[A]. It doesn’t introduce an operator, but it introduces point method and its symbolic alias η to all data types.

scala> 1.point[List]
res14: List[Int] = List(1)

scala> 1.point[Option]
res15: Option[Int] = Some(1)

scala> 1.point[Option] map {_ + 2}
res16: Option[Int] = Some(3)

scala> 1.point[List] map {_ + 2}
res17: List[Int] = List(3)

I can’t really express it in words yet, but there’s something cool about the fact that constructor is abstracted out.



You can think of <*> as a sort of a beefed-up fmap. Whereas fmap takes a function and a functor and applies the function inside the functor value, <*> takes a functor that has a function in it and another functor and extracts that function from the first functor and then maps it over the second one.

trait Apply[F[_]] extends Functor[F] { self =>
  def ap[A,B](fa: => F[A])(f: => F[A => B]): F[B]

Using ap, Apply enables <*>, *>, and <* operator.

scala>  9.some <*> {(_: Int) + 3}.some
res20: Option[Int] = Some(12)

As expected.

*> and <* are variations that returns only the rhs or lhs.

scala> 1.some <* 2.some
res35: Option[Int] = Some(1)

scala> none <* 2.some
res36: Option[Nothing] = None

scala> 1.some *> 2.some
res38: Option[Int] = Some(2)

scala> none *> 2.some
res39: Option[Int] = None

Option as Apply 

We can use <*>:

scala> 9.some <*> {(_: Int) + 3}.some
res57: Option[Int] = Some(12)

scala> 3.some <*> { 9.some <*> {(_: Int) + (_: Int)}.curried.some }
res58: Option[Int] = Some(12)

Applicative Style 

Another thing I found in 7.0.0-M3 is a new notation that extracts values from containers and apply them to a single function:

scala> ^(3.some, 5.some) {_ + _}
res59: Option[Int] = Some(8)

scala> ^(3.some, none[Int]) {_ + _}
res60: Option[Int] = None

This is actually useful because for one-function case, we no longer need to put it into the container. I am guessing that this is why Scalaz 7 does not introduce any operator from Applicative itself. Whatever the case, it seems like we no longer need Pointed or <$>.

The new ^(f1, f2) {...} style is not without the problem though. It doesn’t seem to handle Applicatives that takes two type parameters like Function1, Writer, and Validation. There’s another way called Applicative Builder, which apparently was the way it worked in Scalaz 6, got deprecated in M3, but will be vindicated again because of ^(f1, f2) {...}’s issues.

Here’s how it looks:

scala> (3.some |@| 5.some) {_ + _}
res18: Option[Int] = Some(8)

We will use |@| style for now.

Lists as Apply 


Lists (actually the list type constructor, []) are applicative functors. What a surprise!

Let’s see if we can use <*> and |@|:

scala> List(1, 2, 3) <*> List((_: Int) * 0, (_: Int) + 100, (x: Int) => x * x)
res61: List[Int] = List(0, 0, 0, 101, 102, 103, 1, 4, 9)

scala> List(3, 4) <*> { List(1, 2) <*> List({(_: Int) + (_: Int)}.curried, {(_: Int) * (_: Int)}.curried) }
res62: List[Int] = List(4, 5, 5, 6, 3, 4, 6, 8)

scala> (List("ha", "heh", "hmm") |@| List("?", "!", ".")) {_ + _}
res63: List[String] = List(ha?, ha!, ha., heh?, heh!, heh., hmm?, hmm!, hmm.)

Zip Lists 


However, [(+3),(*2)] <*> [1,2] could also work in such a way that the first function in the left list gets applied to the first value in the right one, the second function gets applied to the second value, and so on. That would result in a list with two values, namely [4,4]. You could look at it as [1 + 3, 2 * 2].

This can be done in Scalaz, but not easily.

scala> streamZipApplicative.ap(Tags.Zip(Stream(1, 2))) (Tags.Zip(Stream({(_: Int) + 3}, {(_: Int) * 2})))
res32: scala.collection.immutable.Stream[Int] with Object{type Tag = scalaz.Tags.Zip} = Stream(4, ?)

scala> res32.toList
res33: List[Int] = List(4, 4)

We’ll see more examples of tagged type tomorrow.

Useful functions for Applicatives 


Control.Applicative defines a function that’s called liftA2, which has a type of

liftA2 :: (Applicative f) => (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c .

There’s Apply[F].lift2:

scala> Apply[Option].lift2((_: Int) :: (_: List[Int]))
res66: (Option[Int], Option[List[Int]]) => Option[List[Int]] = <function2>

scala> res66(3.some, List(4).some)
res67: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(3, 4))


Let’s try implementing a function that takes a list of applicatives and returns an applicative that has a list as its result value. We’ll call it sequenceA.

sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]  
sequenceA [] = pure []  
sequenceA (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequenceA xs  

Let’s try implementing this in Scalaz!

scala> def sequenceA[F[_]: Applicative, A](list: List[F[A]]): F[List[A]] = list match {
         case Nil     => (Nil: List[A]).point[F]
         case x :: xs => (x |@| sequenceA(xs)) {_ :: _} 
sequenceA: [F[_], A](list: List[F[A]])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Applicative[F])F[List[A]]

Let’s test it:

scala> sequenceA(List(1.some, 2.some))
res82: Option[List[Int]] = Some(List(1, 2))

scala> sequenceA(List(3.some, none, 1.some))
res85: Option[List[Int]] = None

scala> sequenceA(List(List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5, 6)))
res86: List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 4), List(1, 5), List(1, 6), List(2, 4), List(2, 5), List(2, 6), List(3, 4), List(3, 5), List(3, 6))

We got the right answers. What’s interesting here is that we did end up needing Pointed after all, and sequenceA is generic in typeclassy way.

For Function1 with Int fixed example, we have to unfortunately invoke a dark magic.

scala> type Function1Int[A] = ({type l[A]=Function1[Int, A]})#l[A]
defined type alias Function1Int

scala> sequenceA(List((_: Int) + 3, (_: Int) + 2, (_: Int) + 1): List[Function1Int[Int]])
res1: Int => List[Int] = <function1>

scala> res1(3)
res2: List[Int] = List(6, 5, 4)

It took us a while, but I am glad we got this far. We’ll pick it up from here later.