Today, let’s skim some papers. First is Origami programming by Jeremy Gibbons.
Gibbons says:
In this chapter we will look at folds and unfolds as abstractions. In a precise technical sense, folds and unfolds are the natural patterns of computation over recursive datatypes; unfolds generate data structures and folds consume them.
We’ve covered foldLeft
in day 4 using Foldable
, but what’s unfold?
The dual of folding is unfolding. The Haskell standard List library defines the function
for generating lists.
Hoogle lists the following sample:
Prelude Data.List> unfoldr (\b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b, b-1)) 10
There’s a data structure called DList
that supports DList.unfoldr
. DList
, or difference list, is a data structure that supports constant-time appending.
scala> DList.unfoldr(10, { (x: Int) => if (x == 0) none else (x, x - 1).some })
res50: scalaz.DList[Int] = scalaz.DListFunctions$$anon$3@70627153
scala> res50.toList
res51: List[Int] = List(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
In Scalaz unfold
defined in StreamFunctions
is introduced by import Scalaz._
scala> unfold(10) { (x) => if (x == 0) none else (x, x - 1).some }
res36: Stream[Int] = Stream(10, ?)
scala> res36.toList
res37: List[Int] = List(10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1)
Let’s try implementing the selection sort example from the paper:
scala> def minimumS[A: Order](stream: Stream[A]) = stream match {
case x #:: xs => xs.foldLeft(x) {_ min _}
minimumS: [A](stream: Stream[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Order[A])A
scala> def deleteS[A: Equal](y: A, stream: Stream[A]): Stream[A] = (y, stream) match {
case (_, Stream()) => Stream()
case (y, x #:: xs) =>
if (y === x) xs
else x #:: deleteS(y, xs)
deleteS: [A](y: A, stream: Stream[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Equal[A])Stream[A]
scala> def delmin[A: Order](stream: Stream[A]): Option[(A, Stream[A])] = stream match {
case Stream() => none
case xs =>
val y = minimumS(xs)
(y, deleteS(y, xs)).some
delmin: [A](stream: Stream[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Order[A])Option[(A, Stream[A])]
scala> def ssort[A: Order](stream: Stream[A]): Stream[A] = unfold(stream){delmin[A]}
ssort: [A](stream: Stream[A])(implicit evidence$1: scalaz.Order[A])Stream[A]
scala> ssort(Stream(1, 3, 4, 2)).toList
res55: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
I guess this is considered origami programming because are using foldLeft
and unfold
? This paper was written in 2003 as a chapter in The Fun of Programming, but I am not sure if origami programming caught on.