Walk the line 


Let’s say that [Pierre] keeps his balance if the number of birds on the left side of the pole and on the right side of the pole is within three. So if there’s one bird on the right side and four birds on the left side, he’s okay. But if a fifth bird lands on the left side, then he loses his balance and takes a dive.

Now let’s try implementing Pole example from the book.

scala> type Birds = Int
defined type alias Birds

scala> case class Pole(left: Birds, right: Birds)
defined class Pole

I don’t think it’s common to alias Int like this in Scala, but we’ll go with the flow. I am going to turn Pole into a case class so I can implement landLeft and landRight as methods:

scala> case class Pole(left: Birds, right: Birds) {
         def landLeft(n: Birds): Pole = copy(left = left + n)
         def landRight(n: Birds): Pole = copy(right = right + n) 
defined class Pole

I think it looks better with some OO:

scala> Pole(0, 0).landLeft(2)
res10: Pole = Pole(2,0)

scala> Pole(1, 2).landRight(1)
res11: Pole = Pole(1,3)

scala> Pole(1, 2).landRight(-1)
res12: Pole = Pole(1,1)

We can chain these too:

scala> Pole(0, 0).landLeft(1).landRight(1).landLeft(2)
res13: Pole = Pole(3,1)

scala> Pole(0, 0).landLeft(1).landRight(4).landLeft(-1).landRight(-2)
res15: Pole = Pole(0,2)

As the book says, an intermediate value have failed but the calculation kept going. Now let’s introduce failures as Option[Pole]:

scala> case class Pole(left: Birds, right: Birds) {
         def landLeft(n: Birds): Option[Pole] = 
           if (math.abs((left + n) - right) < 4) copy(left = left + n).some
           else none
         def landRight(n: Birds): Option[Pole] =
           if (math.abs(left - (right + n)) < 4) copy(right = right + n).some
           else none
defined class Pole

scala> Pole(0, 0).landLeft(2)
res16: Option[Pole] = Some(Pole(2,0))

scala> Pole(0, 3).landLeft(10)
res17: Option[Pole] = None

Let’s try the chaining using flatMap:

scala> Pole(0, 0).landRight(1) flatMap {_.landLeft(2)}
res18: Option[Pole] = Some(Pole(2,1))

scala> (none: Option[Pole]) flatMap {_.landLeft(2)}
res19: Option[Pole] = None

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) flatMap {_.landRight(2)} flatMap {_.landLeft(2)} flatMap {_.landRight(2)}
res21: Option[Pole] = Some(Pole(2,4))

Note the use of Monad[Option].point(...) here to start the initial value in Option context. We can also try the >>= alias to make it look more monadic:

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landRight(2)} >>= {_.landLeft(2)} >>= {_.landRight(2)}
res22: Option[Pole] = Some(Pole(2,4))

Let’s see if monadic chaining simulates the pole balancing better:

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landLeft(1)} >>= {_.landRight(4)} >>= {_.landLeft(-1)} >>= {_.landRight(-2)}
res23: Option[Pole] = None

It works.

Banana on wire 


We may also devise a function that ignores the current number of birds on the balancing pole and just makes Pierre slip and fall. We can call it banana.

Here’s the banana that always fails:

scala> case class Pole(left: Birds, right: Birds) {
         def landLeft(n: Birds): Option[Pole] = 
           if (math.abs((left + n) - right) < 4) copy(left = left + n).some
           else none
         def landRight(n: Birds): Option[Pole] =
           if (math.abs(left - (right + n)) < 4) copy(right = right + n).some
           else none
         def banana: Option[Pole] = none
defined class Pole

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landLeft(1)} >>= {_.banana} >>= {_.landRight(1)}
res24: Option[Pole] = None


Instead of making functions that ignore their input and just return a predetermined monadic value, we can use the >> function.

Here’s how >> behaves with Option:

scala> (none: Option[Int]) >> 3.some
res25: Option[Int] = None

scala> 3.some >> 4.some
res26: Option[Int] = Some(4)

scala> 3.some >> (none: Option[Int])
res27: Option[Int] = None

Let’s try replacing banana with >> (none: Option[Pole]):

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landLeft(1)} >> (none: Option[Pole]) >>= {_.landRight(1)}
<console>:26: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => x$1.landLeft(1))
              Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landLeft(1)} >> (none: Option[Pole]) >>= {_.landRight(1)}

The type inference broke down all the sudden. The problem is likely the operator precedence. Programming in Scala says:

The one exception to the precedence rule, alluded to above, concerns assignment operators, which end in an equals character. If an operator ends in an equals character (=), and the operator is not one of the comparison operators <=, >=, ==, or !=, then the precedence of the operator is the same as that of simple assignment (=). That is, it is lower than the precedence of any other operator.

Note: The above description is incomplete. Another exception from the assignment operator rule is if it starts with (=) like ===.

Because >>= (bind) ends in equals character, its precedence is the lowest, which forces ({_.landLeft(1)} >> (none: Option[Pole])) to evaluate first. There are a few unpalatable work arounds. First we can use dot-and-parens like normal method calls:

scala> Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)).>>=({_.landLeft(1)}).>>(none: Option[Pole]).>>=({_.landRight(1)})
res9: Option[Pole] = None

Or recognize the precedence issue and place parens around just the right place:

scala> (Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0)) >>= {_.landLeft(1)}) >> (none: Option[Pole]) >>= {_.landRight(1)}
res10: Option[Pole] = None

Both yield the right result. By the way, changing >>= to flatMap is not going to help since >> still has higher precedence.

for syntax 


Monads in Haskell are so useful that they got their own special syntax called do notation.

First, let write the nested lambda:

scala> 3.some >>= { x => "!".some >>= { y => (x.shows + y).some } }
res14: Option[String] = Some(3!)

By using >>=, any part of the calculation can fail:

scala> 3.some >>= { x => (none: Option[String]) >>= { y => (x.shows + y).some } }
res17: Option[String] = None

scala> (none: Option[Int]) >>= { x => "!".some >>= { y => (x.shows + y).some } }
res16: Option[String] = None

scala> 3.some >>= { x => "!".some >>= { y => (none: Option[String]) } }
res18: Option[String] = None

Instead of the do notation in Haskell, Scala has for syntax, which does the same thing:

scala> for {
         x <- 3.some
         y <- "!".some
       } yield (x.shows + y)
res19: Option[String] = Some(3!)


In a do expression, every line that isn’t a let line is a monadic value.

I think this applies true for Scala’s for syntax too.

Pierre returns 


Our tightwalker’s routine can also be expressed with do notation.

scala> def routine: Option[Pole] =
         for {
           start <- Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0))
           first <- start.landLeft(2)
           second <- first.landRight(2)
           third <- second.landLeft(1)
         } yield third
routine: Option[Pole]

scala> routine
res20: Option[Pole] = Some(Pole(3,2))

We had to extract third since yield expects Pole not Option[Pole].


If we want to throw the Pierre a banana peel in do notation, we can do the following:

scala> def routine: Option[Pole] =
         for {
           start <- Monad[Option].point(Pole(0, 0))
           first <- start.landLeft(2)
           _ <- (none: Option[Pole])
           second <- first.landRight(2)
           third <- second.landLeft(1)
         } yield third
routine: Option[Pole]

scala> routine
res23: Option[Pole] = None

Pattern matching and failure 


In do notation, when we bind monadic values to names, we can utilize pattern matching, just like in let expressions and function parameters.

scala> def justH: Option[Char] =
         for {
           (x :: xs) <- "hello".toList.some
         } yield x
justH: Option[Char]

scala> justH
res25: Option[Char] = Some(h)

When pattern matching fails in a do expression, the fail function is called. It’s part of the Monad type class and it enables failed pattern matching to result in a failure in the context of the current monad instead of making our program crash.

scala> def wopwop: Option[Char] =
         for {
           (x :: xs) <- "".toList.some
         } yield x
wopwop: Option[Char]

scala> wopwop
res28: Option[Char] = None

The failed pattern matching returns None here. This is an interesting aspect of for syntax that I haven’t thought about, but totally makes sense.