Moving on the section 3.6 in Datatype-Generic Programming called “Datatype genericity.” Gibbons tries to call this Origami programming, but I don’t think the name stuck, so we’ll go with datatype-generic programming.
As we have already argued, data structure determines program structure. It therefore makes sense to abstract from the determining shape, leaving only what programs of different shape have in common. What datatypes such as
have in common is the fact that they are recursive — which is to say, a datatypeFix
data Fix s a = In {out :: s a (Fix s a)}
Here are three instances of Fix using different shapes: lists and internally labelled binary trees as seen before, and also a datatype of externally labelled binary trees.
data ListF a b = NilF | ConsF a b
type List a = Fix ListF a
data TreeF a b = EmptyF | NodeF a b b
type Tree a = Fix TreeF a
data BtreeF a b = TipF a | BinF b b
type Btree a = Fix BtreeF a
From Why free monads matter we saw on day 8
we actually know this is similar as Free
datatype, but
the semantics around Functor
etc is going to different,
so let’s implement it from scratch:
sealed abstract class Fix[S[_], A] extends Serializable {
def out: S[Fix[S, A]]
object Fix {
case class In[S[_], A](out: S[Fix[S, A]]) extends Fix[S, A]
Following Free
, I am putting S[_]
on the left, and A
on the right.
Let’s try implementing the List
sealed trait ListF[+Next, +A]
object ListF {
case class NilF() extends ListF[Nothing, Nothing]
case class ConsF[A, Next](a: A, n: Next) extends ListF[Next, A]
type GenericList[A] = Fix[ListF[+*, A], A]
object GenericList {
def nil[A]: GenericList[A] = Fix.In[ListF[+*, A], A](ListF.NilF())
def cons[A](a: A, xs: GenericList[A]): GenericList[A] =
Fix.In[ListF[+*, A], A](ListF.ConsF(a, xs))
import GenericList.{ cons, nil }
Here’s how we can use it:
cons(1, nil)
// res0: GenericList[Int] = In(out = ConsF(a = 1, n = In(out = NilF())))
So far this is similar to what we saw with the free monad.
Not all valid binary type constructors s are suitable for Fixing; for example, function types with the parameter appearing in contravariant (source) positions cause problems. It turns out that we should restrict attention to (covariant) bifunctors, which support a bimap operation ‘locating’ all the elements.
Cats ships with Bifunctor
* A typeclass of types which give rise to two independent, covariant
* functors.
trait Bifunctor[F[_, _]] extends Serializable { self =>
* The quintessential method of the Bifunctor trait, it applies a
* function to each "side" of the bifunctor.
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): F[C, D]
Here is the Bifunctor
instance for GenericList
import cats._,, cats.syntax.all._
implicit val listFBifunctor: Bifunctor[ListF] = new Bifunctor[ListF] {
def bimap[S1, A1, S2, A2](fab: ListF[S1, A1])(f: S1 => S2, g: A1 => A2): ListF[S2, A2] =
fab match {
case ListF.NilF() => ListF.NilF()
case ListF.ConsF(a, next) => ListF.ConsF(g(a), f(next))
// listFBifunctor: Bifunctor[ListF] = repl.MdocSession1@1f266bef
It turns out that the class
provides sufficient flexibility to capture a wide variety of recursion patterns as datatype-generic programs.
First, we can implement map
in terms of bimap
object DGP {
def map[F[_, _]: Bifunctor, A1, A2](fa: Fix[F[*, A1], A1])(f: A1 => A2): Fix[F[*, A2], A2] =
Fix.In[F[*, A2], A2](Bifunctor[F].bimap(fa.out)(map(_)(f), f))
}, nil)) { _ + 1 }
// res1: Fix[ListF[α4, Int], Int] = In(
// out = ConsF(a = 2, n = In(out = NilF()))
// )
The above definition of map
is independent from GenericList
, abstracted by Bifunctor
and Fix
Another way of looking at it is that we can get Functor
for free out of Bifunctor
and Fix
trait FixInstances {
implicit def fixFunctor[F[_, _]: Bifunctor]: Functor[Lambda[L => Fix[F[*, L], L]]] =
new Functor[Lambda[L => Fix[F[*, L], L]]] {
def map[A1, A2](fa: Fix[F[*, A1], A1])(f: A1 => A2): Fix[F[*, A2], A2] =
Fix.In[F[*, A2], A2](Bifunctor[F].bimap(fa.out)(map(_)(f), f))
val instances = new FixInstances {}
import instances._
import cats.syntax.functor._
cons(1, nil) map { _ + 1 }
// res2: GenericList[Int] = In(out = ConsF(a = 2, n = In(out = NilF())))
Intense amount of type lambdas, but I think it’s clear that I translated
into a Functor
We can also implement fold
, also known as cata
from catamorphism:
object DGP {
// catamorphism
def fold[F[_, _]: Bifunctor, A1, A2](fa: Fix[F[*, A1], A1])(f: F[A2, A1] => A2): A2 =
val g = (fa1: F[Fix[F[*, A1], A1], A1]) =>
Bifunctor[F].leftMap(fa1) { (fold(_)(f)) }
DGP.fold[ListF, Int, Int](cons(2, cons(1, nil))) {
case ListF.NilF() => 0
case ListF.ConsF(x, n) => x + n
// res4: Int = 3
operator for a datatype grows a data structure from a value. In a precise technical sense, it is the dual of thefold
The unfold
is also called ana
from anamorphism:
object DGP {
// catamorphism
def fold[F[_, _]: Bifunctor, A1, A2](fa: Fix[F[*, A1], A1])(f: F[A2, A1] => A2): A2 =
val g = (fa1: F[Fix[F[*, A1], A1], A1]) =>
Bifunctor[F].leftMap(fa1) { (fold(_)(f)) }
// anamorphism
def unfold[F[_, _]: Bifunctor, A1, A2](x: A2)(f: A2 => F[A2, A1]): Fix[F[*, A1], A1] =
Fix.In[F[*, A1], A1](Bifunctor[F].leftMap(f(x))(unfold[F, A1, A2](_)(f)))
Here’s how we can construct list of numbers counting down:
def pred(n: Int): GenericList[Int] =
DGP.unfold[ListF, Int, Int](n) {
case 0 => ListF.NilF()
case n => ListF.ConsF(n, n - 1)
// res6: GenericList[Int] = In(
// out = ConsF(
// a = 4,
// n = In(
// out = ConsF(
// a = 3,
// n = In(
// out = ConsF(a = 2, n = In(out = ConsF(a = 1, n = In(out = NilF()))))
// )
// )
// )
// )
// )
There are several more we can derive, too.
The point of the datatype-generic programming is to abstract out the shape.
Let’s introduce some other datatype, like a binary Tree
sealed trait TreeF[+Next, +A]
object TreeF {
case class EmptyF() extends TreeF[Nothing, Nothing]
case class NodeF[Next, A](a: A, left: Next, right: Next) extends TreeF[Next, A]
type Tree[A] = Fix[TreeF[?, A], A]
object Tree {
def empty[A]: Tree[A] =
Fix.In[TreeF[+?, A], A](TreeF.EmptyF())
def node[A, Next](a: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]): Tree[A] =
Fix.In[TreeF[+?, A], A](TreeF.NodeF(a, left, right))
Here’s how to create this tree:
import Tree.{empty,node}
node(2, node(1, empty, empty), empty)
// res7: Tree[Int] = In(
// out = NodeF(
// a = 2,
// left = In(
// out = NodeF(a = 1, left = In(out = EmptyF()), right = In(out = EmptyF()))
// ),
// right = In(out = EmptyF())
// )
// )
Now, all we have to do should be to define a Bifunctor
implicit val treeFBifunctor: Bifunctor[TreeF] = new Bifunctor[TreeF] {
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: TreeF[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): TreeF[C, D] =
fab match {
case TreeF.EmptyF() => TreeF.EmptyF()
case TreeF.NodeF(a, left, right) =>
TreeF.NodeF(g(a), f(left), f(right))
// treeFBifunctor: Bifunctor[TreeF] = repl.MdocSession7@6542baa6
First, let’s try Functor
val instances = new FixInstances {}
import instances._
import cats.syntax.functor._
node(2, node(1, empty, empty), empty) map { _ + 1 }
// res8: Tree[Int] = In(
// out = NodeF(
// a = 3,
// left = In(
// out = NodeF(a = 2, left = In(out = EmptyF()), right = In(out = EmptyF()))
// ),
// right = In(out = EmptyF())
// )
// )
Looking good. Next, let’s try folding.
def sum(tree: Tree[Int]): Int =
DGP.fold[TreeF, Int, Int](tree) {
case TreeF.EmptyF() => 0
case TreeF.NodeF(a, l, r) => a + l + r
sum(node(2, node(1, empty, empty), empty))
// res9: Int = 3
We got the fold
Here’s a function named grow
that generates a binary search tree from a list.
def grow[A: PartialOrder](xs: List[A]): Tree[A] =
DGP.unfold[TreeF, A, List[A]](xs) {
case Nil => TreeF.EmptyF()
case x :: xs =>
import cats.syntax.partialOrder._
TreeF.NodeF(x, xs filter {_ <= x}, xs filter {_ > x})
grow(List(3, 1, 4, 2))
// res10: Tree[Int] = In(
// out = NodeF(
// a = 3,
// left = In(
// out = NodeF(
// a = 1,
// left = In(out = EmptyF()),
// right = In(
// out = NodeF(
// a = 2,
// left = In(out = EmptyF()),
// right = In(out = EmptyF())
// )
// )
// )
// ),
// right = In(
// out = NodeF(a = 4, left = In(out = EmptyF()), right = In(out = EmptyF()))
// )
// )
// )
Looks like unfold
is working too.
For more details on DGP in Scala, Oliveira and Gibbons wrote a paper translating the ideas and many more called Scala for Generic Programmers (2008), and its updated version Scala for Generic Programmers (2010).
Datatype-generic programming described here has a limitation of datatype being recursive, so I don’t think it’s very usable as is, but there are some interesting concepts that can be exploited.
Next, Gibbons claims that the design patterns are evidence of a “evidence of a lack of expressivity in those mainstream programming languages.” He then sets out to replace the patterns using higher-order datatype-generic programming.