State datatype 

When writing code using an immutable data structure, one pattern that arises often is passing of a value that represents some state. The example I like to use is Tetris. Imagine a functional implementation of Tetris where Tetrix.init creates the initial state, and then various transition functions return a transformed state and some return value:

val (s0, _) = Tetrix.init()
val (s1, _) = Tetrix.nextBlock(s0)
val (s2, moved0) = Tetrix.moveBlock(s1, LEFT)
val (s3, moved1) =
  if (moved0) Tetrix.moveBlock(s2, LEFT)
  else (s2, moved0)

The passing of the state objects (s0, s1, s2, …) becomes error-prone boilerplate. The goal is to automate the explicit passing of the states.

To follow along the book, we’ll use the stack example from the book. Here’s an implementation without using State.

import cats._, cats.syntax.all._

type Stack = List[Int]

def pop(s0: Stack): (Stack, Int) =
  s0 match {
    case x :: xs => (xs, x)
    case Nil     => sys.error("stack is empty")

def push(s0: Stack, a: Int): (Stack, Unit) = (a :: s0, ())

def stackManip(s0: Stack): (Stack, Int) = {
  val (s1, _) = push(s0, 3)
  val (s2, a) = pop(s1)

stackManip(List(5, 8, 2, 1))
// res0: (Stack, Int) = (List(8, 2, 1), 5)

State and StateT datatype 

Learn You a Haskell for Great Good says:

Haskell features the State monad, which makes dealing with stateful problems a breeze while still keeping everything nice and pure. ….

We’ll say that a stateful computation is a function that takes some state and returns a value along with some new state. That function would have the following type:

s -> (a, s)

State is a datatype that encapsulates a stateful computation: S => (S, A). State forms a monad which passes along the states represented by the type S. Haskell should’ve named this Stater or Program to avoid the confusion, but now people already know this by State, so it’s too late.

Cody Allen (@ceedubs) had a pull request open for State/StateT on Cats #302, which was merged recently. (Thanks, Erik) As it happens, State is just a type alias:

package object data {
  type State[S, A] = StateT[Eval, S, A]
  object State extends StateFunctions

StateT is a monad transformer, a type constructor for other datatypes. State partially applies StateT with Eval, which emulates a call stack with heap memory to prevent overflow. Here’s the definition of StateT:

final class StateT[F[_], S, A](val runF: F[S => F[(S, A)]]) {

object StateT extends StateTInstances {
  def apply[F[_], S, A](f: S => F[(S, A)])(implicit F: Applicative[F]): StateT[F, S, A] =
    new StateT(F.pure(f))

  def applyF[F[_], S, A](runF: F[S => F[(S, A)]]): StateT[F, S, A] =
    new StateT(runF)

   * Run with the provided initial state value
  def run(initial: S)(implicit F: FlatMap[F]): F[(S, A)] =
    F.flatMap(runF)(f => f(initial))


To construct a State value, you pass the state transition function to State.apply.

private[data] abstract class StateFunctions {
  def apply[S, A](f: S => (S, A)): State[S, A] =
    StateT.applyF(Now((s: S) => Now(f(s))))

As the State implementation is fresh, a few bumps on the road are expected. When I tried using State on the REPL, I ran into an odd behavior where I can create one state, but not the second. @retronym pointed me to SI-7139: Type alias and object with the same name cause type mismatch in REPL, which I was able to workaround as #322.

Let’s consider how to implement stack with State:

type Stack = List[Int]

import cats._,, cats.syntax.all._

val pop = State[Stack, Int] {
  case x :: xs => (xs, x)
  case Nil     => sys.error("stack is empty")
// pop: State[Stack, Int] =

def push(a: Int) = State[Stack, Unit] {
  case xs => (a :: xs, ())

These are the primitive programs. Now we can construct compound programs by composing the monad.

def stackManip: State[Stack, Int] = for {
  _ <- push(3)
  a <- pop
  b <- pop
} yield(b), 8, 2, 1)).value
// res2: (Stack, Int) = (List(8, 2, 1), 5)

The first run is for StateT, and the second is to run until the end Eval.

Both push and pop are still purely functional, and we were able to eliminate explicitly passing the state object (s0, s1, …).

Getting and setting the state 


The Control.Monad.State module provides a type class that’s called MonadState and it features two pretty useful functions, namely get and put.

The State object defines a few helper functions:

private[data] abstract class StateFunctions {

  def apply[S, A](f: S => (S, A)): State[S, A] =
    StateT.applyF(Now((s: S) => Now(f(s))))

   * Return `a` and maintain the input state.
  def pure[S, A](a: A): State[S, A] = State(s => (s, a))

   * Modify the input state and return Unit.
  def modify[S](f: S => S): State[S, Unit] = State(s => (f(s), ()))

   * Inspect a value from the input state, without modifying the state.
  def inspect[S, T](f: S => T): State[S, T] = State(s => (s, f(s)))

   * Return the input state without modifying it.
  def get[S]: State[S, S] = inspect(identity)

   * Set the state to `s` and return Unit.
  def set[S](s: S): State[S, Unit] = State(_ => (s, ()))

These are confusing at first. But remember that the State monad encapsulates a pair of a state transition function and a return value. So State.get keeps the state as is, and returns it.

Similarly, State.set(s) in this context means to overwrite the state with s and return ().

Let’s try using them with the stackyStack example from the book:

type Stack = List[Int]

import cats._,, cats.syntax.all._

def stackyStack: State[Stack, Unit] = for {
  stackNow <- State.get[Stack]
  r <- if (stackNow === List(1, 2, 3)) State.set[Stack](List(8, 3, 1))
       else State.set[Stack](List(9, 2, 1))
} yield r, 2, 3)).value
// res4: (Stack, Unit) = (List(8, 3, 1), ())

We can also implement both pop and push in terms of get and set:

val pop: State[Stack, Int] = for {
  s <- State.get[Stack]
  (x :: xs) = s
  _ <- State.set[Stack](xs)
} yield x
// pop: State[Stack, Int] =

def push(x: Int): State[Stack, Unit] = for {
  xs <- State.get[Stack]
  r <- State.set(x :: xs)
} yield r

As you can see, the State monad on its own doesn’t do much (encapsulate a state transition function and a return value), but by chaining them we can remove some boilerplates.

Extracting and modifying the state 

State.extract(f) and State.modify(f) are slightly more advanced variants of State.get and State.set(s).

State.extract(f) applies the function f: S => T to s, and returns the result without modifying the state itself.

State.modify applies the function f: S => T to s, saves the result as the new state, and returns ().