
Before we go any further we better have some specs. Testing UI-based games are not easy, but we’ve defined inputs and outputs in terms of data structure, so it’s not that hard.

Add the latest specs2 to library project:

lazy val specs2version = "2.2.2"
lazy val libDeps = Def.setting {
  "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % specs2version % "test"

lazy val library = (project in file("library")).
  settings(buildSettings: _*).
    libraryDependencies += libDeps.value

Here’s the specs for moving the current piece:

import org.specs2._

class StageSpec extends Specification { def is =                              s2"""
  This is a specification to check Stage

  Moving to the left the current piece should
    change the blocks in the view.                                            $left1

  Moving to the right the current piece should
    change the blocks in the view.                                            $right1
  import com.eed3si9n.tetrix._
  def stage = new Stage((10, 20))
  def left1 =
    stage.moveLeft().view.blocks map {_.pos} must contain(allOf(
      (0, 0), (3, 17), (4, 17), (5, 17), (4, 18)
  def right1 =
    stage.moveRight().view.blocks map {_.pos} must contain(allOf(
      (0, 0), (5, 17), (6, 17), (7, 17), (6, 18)


Now that we have a spec, let’s try some “test first” coding. Given that the initial coordinate for the piece is (5, 17), it takes four moveLefts to hit the wall. The subsequent moveLeft should be ignored.

Here’s the spec for hitting the left wall:

  Moving to the left the current piece should
    change the blocks in the view                                             $left1
    as long as it doesn't hit the wall.                                       $leftWall1

  def leftWall1 =
      view.blocks map {_.pos} must contain(allOf(
      (0, 0), (0, 17), (1, 17), (2, 17), (1, 18)

As expected, this test fails:

[info]   Moving to the left the current piece should
[info]     + change the blocks in the view
[info]     x as long as it doesn't hit the wall.
[error]  List((0,0), (-1,17), (0,17), (1,17), (0,18)) does not contain (2,17), (1,18) and must not contain '(-1,17)' is equal to '(0,17)', '(0,18)' is equal to '(2,17)' in order (StageSpec.scala:22)

We’ll get back to this tomorrow.

$ git fetch origin
$ git co day1v2 -b try/day1
$ sbt swing/run