Red, green, and refactor. Let’s fix the copy-pasted rotateBy
. We can extract out common parts by simply accepting a function Piece => Piece
def moveLeft() = transformPiece(_.moveBy(-1.0, 0.0))
def moveRight() = transformPiece(_.moveBy(1.0, 0.0))
def rotateCW() = transformPiece(_.rotateBy(-math.Pi / 2.0))
private[this] def transformPiece(trans: Piece => Piece): this.type = {
unload(currentPiece, blocks)) map { case (moved, unloaded) =>
blocks = load(moved, unloaded)
currentPiece = moved
This gets rid of the moveBy
and rotateBy
in a single shot! Run the tests again to make sure we didn’t break anything.
[info] Passed: : Total 4, Failed 0, Errors 0, Passed 4, Skipped 0
class is shaping up to be a nice class, but I really don’t like the fact that it has two var
s in it. Let’s kick out the states into its own class so we can make Stage
case class GameState(blocks: Seq[Block], gridSize: (Int, Int), currentPiece: Piece) {
def view: GameView = GameView(blocks, gridSize, currentPiece.current)
Let’s define a newState
method to start a new state:
def newState(blocks: Seq[Block]): GameState = {
val size = (10, 20)
def dropOffPos = (size._1 / 2.0, size._2 - 3.0)
val p = Piece(dropOffPos, TKind)
GameState(blocks ++ p.current, size, p)
We can now think of each “moves” as transition from one state to another instead of calling methods on an object. We can tweak the transformPiece
to generate transition functions:
val moveLeft = transit { _.moveBy(-1.0, 0.0) }
val moveRight = transit { _.moveBy(1.0, 0.0) }
val rotateCW = transit { _.rotateBy(-math.Pi / 2.0) }
private[this] def transit(trans: Piece => Piece): GameState => GameState =
(s: GameState) => validate(s.copy(
blocks = unload(s.currentPiece, s.blocks),
currentPiece = trans(s.currentPiece))) map { case x =>
x.copy(blocks = load(x.currentPiece, x.blocks))
} getOrElse {s}
private[this] def validate(s: GameState): Option[GameState] = {
val size = s.gridSize
def inBounds(pos: (Int, Int)): Boolean =
(pos._1 >= 0) && (pos._1 < size._1) && (pos._2 >= 0) && (pos._2 < size._2)
if (s.currentPiece.current map {_.pos} forall inBounds) Some(s)
else None
This feels more functional style. The type signature makes sure that transit
does in fact return a state transition function. Now that Stage
is stateless, we can turn it into a singleton object.
The specs needs a few modification:
import com.eed3si9n.tetrix._
import Stage._
val s1 = newState(Block((0, 0), TKind) :: Nil)
def left1 =
moveLeft(s1).blocks map {_.pos} must contain(exactly(
(0, 0), (3, 17), (4, 17), (5, 17), (4, 18)
def leftWall1 = sys.error("hmmm")
// stage.moveLeft().moveLeft().moveLeft().moveLeft().moveLeft().
// view.blocks map {_.pos} must contain(exactly(
// (0, 0), (0, 17), (1, 17), (2, 17), (1, 18)
// )).inOrder
def right1 =
moveRight(s1).blocks map {_.pos} must contain(exactly(
(0, 0), (5, 17), (6, 17), (7, 17), (6, 18)
def rotate1 =
rotateCW(s1).blocks map {_.pos} must contain(excactly(
(0, 0), (5, 18), (5, 17), (5, 16), (6, 17)
The mutable implementation of moveLeft
returned this
so we were able to chain them. How should we handle leftWall1
? Instead of methods, we now have pure functions. These can be composed using Function.chain
def leftWall1 =
Function.chain(moveLeft :: moveLeft :: moveLeft :: moveLeft :: moveLeft :: Nil)(s1).
blocks map {_.pos} must contain(exactly(
(0, 0), (0, 17), (1, 17), (2, 17), (1, 18)
takes a Seq[A => A]
and turns it into an A => A
function. We are essentially treating a tiny part of the code as data.