Pruning allows us to ignore portion of the search tree that make no difference to the final choice.
This concept applies here because without control the search tree grows exponentially.
and Tick
. We already pretend that the current pieces gets dropped. All we have to do is to evaluate s0
with Drop
by pre-branching for all four orientations of the current piece. In most cases RotateCW :: MoveLeft :: RotateCW :: Drop :: Nil
and RotateCW :: RotateCW :: MoveLeft :: Drop :: Nil
brings us to the same state.
by moving the current piece as left as it can upfront.
Potentially a piece can have four orientations and nine x-position. Thus, exponential tree search tree can now be approximated by a constant size 36.
First, we can list out the possible orientations based on the PieceKind
private[this] def orientation(kind: PieceKind): Int = {
case IKind => 2
case JKind => 4
case LKind => 4
case OKind => 1
case SKind => 2
case TKind => 4
case ZKind => 2
Next, given a state calculate how many times can the agent hit left or right using the REPL.
scala> val s = newState(Nil, (10, 20), TKind :: TKind :: Nil)
s: com.eed3si9n.tetrix.GameState = GameState(List(
Block((4,18),TKind), Block((5,18),TKind), Block((6,18),TKind), Block((5,19),TKind)),
(10,20),Piece((5.0,18.0),TKind,List((-1.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (0.0,1.0))),
Piece((2.0,1.0),TKind,List((-1.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (0.0,1.0))),List(),ActiveStatus,0)
scala> import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.tailrec
scala> @tailrec def leftLimit(n: Int, s: GameState): Int = {
val next = moveLeft(s)
if (next.currentPiece.pos == s.currentPiece.pos) n
else leftLimit(n + 1, next)
leftLimit: (n: Int, s: com.eed3si9n.tetrix.GameState)Int
scala> leftLimit(0, s)
res1: Int = 4
Make the same one for right, and we have sideLimit
private[this] def sideLimit(s0: GameState): (Int, Int) = {
@tailrec def leftLimit(n: Int, s: GameState): Int = {
val next = moveLeft(s)
if (next.currentPiece.pos == s.currentPiece.pos) n
else leftLimit(n + 1, next)
@tailrec def rightLimit(n: Int, s: GameState): Int = {
val next = moveRight(s)
if (next.currentPiece.pos == s.currentPiece.pos) n
else rightLimit(n + 1, next)
(leftLimit(0, s0), rightLimit(0, s0))
These should be enough to build actionSeqs
ActionSeqs function should
list out potential action sequences $actionSeqs1
def actionSeqs1 = {
val s = newState(Nil, (10, 20), TKind :: TKind :: Nil)
val seqs = agent.actionSeqs(s)
seqs.size must_== 32
Stub it out:
def actionSeqs(s0: GameState): Seq[Seq[StageMessage]] = Nil
The test fails as expected:
[info] ActionSeqs function should
[error] x list out potential action sequences
[error] '0' is not equal to '32' (AgentSpec.scala:15)
Here’s the implementation:
def actionSeqs(s0: GameState): Seq[Seq[StageMessage]] = {
val rotationSeqs: Seq[Seq[StageMessage]] =
(0 to orientation(s0.currentPiece.kind) - 1).toSeq map { x =>
Nil padTo (x, RotateCW)
val translationSeqs: Seq[Seq[StageMessage]] =
sideLimit(s0) match {
case (l, r) =>
((1 to l).toSeq map { x =>
Nil padTo (x, MoveLeft)
}) ++
Seq(Nil) ++
((1 to r).toSeq map { x =>
Nil padTo (x, MoveRight)
for {
r <- rotationSeqs
t <- translationSeqs
} yield r ++ t
We can see the output using REPL:
scala> val s = newState(Nil, (10, 20), TKind :: TKind :: Nil)
s: com.eed3si9n.tetrix.GameState = GameState(List(Block((4,18),TKind), Block((5,18),TKind),
Block((6,18),TKind), Block((5,19),TKind)),(10,20),
Piece((5.0,18.0),TKind,List((-1.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (0.0,1.0))),
Piece((2.0,1.0),TKind,List((-1.0,0.0), (0.0,0.0), (1.0,0.0), (0.0,1.0))),List(),ActiveStatus,0)
scala> val agent = new Agent
agent: com.eed3si9n.tetrix.Agent = com.eed3si9n.tetrix.Agent@649f7367
scala> agent.actionSeqs(s)
res0: Seq[Seq[com.eed3si9n.tetrix.StageMessage]] = Vector(List(MoveLeft),
List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft), List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft), List(), List(MoveRight),
List(MoveRight, MoveRight), List(MoveRight, MoveRight, MoveRight),
List(RotateCW, MoveLeft), List(RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft), List(RotateCW),
List(RotateCW, MoveRight), List(RotateCW, MoveRight, MoveRight),
List(RotateCW, MoveRight, MoveRight, MoveRight), List(RotateCW, RotateCW, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft),
List(RotateCW, RotateCW),...
Note one of the action sequences is List()
, which evaluates the current state. All tests pass too:
[info] ActionSeqs function should
[info] + list out potential action sequences
We can now rewrite bestMove
using actionSeqs
def bestMove(s0: GameState): StageMessage = {
var retval: Seq[StageMessage] = Nil
var current: Double = minUtility
actionSeqs(s0) foreach { seq =>
val ms = seq ++ Seq(Drop)
val u = utility(Function.chain(ms map {toTrans})(s0))
if (u > current) {
current = u
retval = seq
} // if
println("selected " + retval + " " + current.toString)
retval.headOption getOrElse {Tick}
Now let’s add more spec. How about having a single gap open at (0, 8)
such that it requires several rotations and a bunch of MoveRight
s? This is something our agent would have not solved before.
Solver should
pick MoveLeft for s1 $solver1
pick Drop for s3 $solver2
pick RotateCW for s5 $solver3
def s5 = newState(Seq(
(0, 0), (1, 0), (2, 0), (3, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0),
(7, 0), (9, 0))
map { Block(_, TKind) }, (10, 20), ttt)
def solver3 =
agent.bestMove(s5) must_== RotateCW
All green. Now let’s run the swing UI to see how it looks:
[info] selected List(RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft) 1.4316304877998318
[info] selected List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft) 1.4316304877998318
[info] selected List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft) 1.4316304877998318
[info] selected List(MoveLeft, MoveLeft) 1.4316304877998318
[info] selected List() 1.4108824377664941
It is rather short-sighted in its moves, but I am starting to see the glimpse of rationality. We’ll pick it up from here tomorrow.
$ git fetch origin
$ git co day8v2 -b try/day8
$ sbt swing/run