println debugging 

To find out what’s going on, uncomment some of the println statements in the library.

Then run adb -e shell from $ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools/ to start an adb shell session in the emulator. See Android Debug Bridge for more details. Then from the adb shell:

root@android:/ # logcat System.out:D *:S
I/System.out(  873): bestMove took 13464 ms
I/System.out(  873): selected List(MoveLeft, Drop) -0.03301514803843836
I/System.out(  873): bestMove took 12045 ms
I/System.out(  873): selected List(MoveLeft, Drop) -0.03301514803843836
I/System.out(  873): bestMove took 10781 ms
I/System.out(  873): selected List(MoveLeft, Drop) -0.03301514803843836

This will stream println calls within the app to the screen.

It’s taking 10 seconds to calculate the best move, which is significantly longer than the pace at which the request is coming in. The best move information could be quite stale if it’s using old state, and that’s likely a horrible move recommendation for the current state. The work around would be to block on the best move loop within GameMasterActor:

  def receive = {
    case Start => loop 
  private[this] def loop {
    var s = getStatesAndJudge._2
    while (s.status == ActiveStatus) {
      val t0 = System.currentTimeMillis
      val future = (agentActor ? BestMove(getState2, maxThinkTime))(60 second)
      Await.result(future, 60 second)
      val t1 = System.currentTimeMillis
      if (t1 - t0 < minActionTime) Thread.sleep(minActionTime - (t1 - t0))
      s = getStatesAndJudge._2

If we use ./adb -d shell, we can start an adb shell session in the connected phone.

I/System.out(32611): bestMove took 1582 ms
I/System.out(32611): selected List(Drop) 0.9113095270054331
I/System.out(32611): bestMove took 2025 ms
I/System.out(32611): selected List(Drop) 0.9113095270054331
I/System.out(32611): bestMove took 1416 ms
I/System.out(32611): selected List(RotateCW, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, MoveLeft, Drop) 0.8973939572929547
I/System.out(32611): bestMove took 1483 ms
I/System.out(32611): selected List(MoveRight, MoveRight, MoveRight, MoveRight, Drop) 0.9022247475073575

Much better calculation, but it still takes quite a long time on the phone.