
To speed up the game, the user should be able to drop the current piece until it hits something.

  Dropping the current piece should
    tick the piece until it hits something.                                   $drop1

  def drop1 =
    drop(s1).blocks map {_.pos} must contain(exactly(
      (0, 0), (4, 0), (5, 0), (6, 0), (5, 1),
      (4, 18), (5, 18), (6, 18), (5, 19)

One way to implement this is to call transit {_.moveBy(0.0, -1.0)} 20 times, and then call tick at the end. The extra transit calls after hitting something would just be ignored.

  val drop: GameState => GameState = (s0: GameState) =>
    Function.chain((Nil padTo (s0.gridSize._2, transit {_.moveBy(0.0, -1.0)})) ++

This passes the test:

[info]   Dropping the current piece should
[info]     + tick the piece until it hits something.


The current piece now moves, rotates, and drops. The full rows are cleared, and the next pieces are visible. I say the goal of finishing up the basic feature is met.


As always, the code’s up on github:

$ git fetch origin
$ git co day3v2 -b try/day3
$ sbt swing/run