search term:

equal protection under Eq law

The relationship given to Int and Long should be exactly the same as the relationship third-party library like Spire can write UInt or Rational with the first-class numeric types.

  • We should make 1 == 1L an error under strictEquality
  • We should allow custom types to participate in constant expression conversion using FromDigits

liberty, equality, and boxed primitive types

I want to understand how equality works in Scala. It’s a complicated topic that’s been going on for ten years. Major concerns are: null Unboxed number types Boxed number types Reference types Collections (especially of F[+A]) Understanding equality means knowing how these combinations are compared. Scala Language Specification The language spec provides some hints, although it does not have the full information. Chapter 12 contains the definition of Any as follows:

Giter8 0.12.0


I added a small app called giter8-launcher for Giter8 0.12.0. The purpose of the app is to make the behavior of the Giter8 template more predictable. Today, template authors may create a template for some version of Giter8 X, but the users might use some other version of Giter8 Y that ships with “sbt new.”

One of the neat ideas about sbt is that no matter what version of sbt script users might have it installed, the core sbt version is specified by the build author using project/ file. This significantly reduces the it-only-works-on-my-machine problem. giter8-launcher is analogous to sbt’s sbt-launcher. giter8-launcher clones the template and reads project/ file to determine the Giter8 version to render the template.

Template authors can now specify the Giter8 version in project/ file as:


parallel cross building with VirtualAxis

This is part 2 of the post about sbt-projectmatrix, an experimental plugin that I’ve been working to improve the cross building in sbt. Here’s part 1. I’ve just released 0.4.0. recap: building against multiple Scala versions After adding sbt-projectmatrix to your build, here’s how you can set up a matrix with two Scala versions. ThisBuild / organization := "com.example" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.10" ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" lazy val core = (projectMatrix in file("core")) .

Pamflet 0.8.2

Pamflet is a publishing application for short texts, particularly user documentation of open-source software.

Pamflet 0.8.2 updates its monospace typeface to SFMono, and undoes the incidental pink color that got introduced when I migrated from Blueprint to Bootstrap.

semantics of dependency resolvers

The semantics of a dependency resolver determine the concrete classpath based on the user-specified dependency constraints. Typically the differences in the details manifest as different way the version conflicts are resolved.

  • Maven uses nearest-wins strategy, which could downgrade transitive dependencies
  • Ivy uses latest-wins strategy
  • Coursier generally uses latest-wins strategy, but it’s tries to enforce version range strictly
  • Ivy’s version range handling goes to the Internet, which makes the build non-repeatable
  • Coursier orders version string completely differently from Ivy

parallel cross building using sbt-projectmatrix

Last year I wrote an experimental sbt plugin called sbt-projectmatrix to improve the cross building in sbt. I’ve just released 0.2.0. building against multiple Scala versions After adding sbt-projectmatrix to your build, here’s how you can set up a matrix with two Scala versions. ThisBuild / organization := "com.example" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.8" ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" lazy val core = (projectMatrix in file("core")) .settings( name := "core" ) .

splitting git repo

split a subdirectory into a new repo (simple case) git clone --no-hardlinks --branch master originalRepoURL childRepo cd childRepo git filter-branch --prune-empty --subdirectory-filter path/to/keep master git remote remove origin git prune git gc --aggressive Change originalRepoURL, master, and path/to/keep to appropriate values. Use -- --all to handle all branches. split a subdirectory into a new repo (complex case) In case you have multiple paths you want to filter, you need to use --index-filter together with GNU xargs and GNU sed available via brew install gnu-sed findutils.

all your JDKs on Travis CI using SDKMAN!

This is a second post on installing your own JDKs on Travis CI. Previously I’ve written about jabba. Today, let’s look at SDKMAN!, an environment manager written by Marco Vermeulen (@marc0der) for JDKs and various tools on JVM, including Groovy, Spark, sbt, etc. AdoptOpenJDK 11 and 8 Update 2020-09-23: Updated the regex of version number. Update 2019-11-06: Added sdkman_auto_selfupdate to workaround the update prompt blocking the CI. Also it adds || true on the sdk install line.

'Ancillary Justice' by Ann Leckie

Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie My rating: 4 of 5 stars ‘Ancillary Justice’ is written in a first-person narrative as the AI of thousands of years old starship Justice of Toren of The Radchaai Empire. Another interesting part is since the Radchaai language is genderless, the narrator constantly describes everyone as “she,” but later you might discover that some character might be he. There are other small details here and there that narrator might say, but you start to question it as the story develops.

Pamflet 0.8.0

Over the holiday break I’ve implemented left TOC for Pamflet, and released it as Pamflet 0.8.0.

Pamflet is a publishing application for short texts, particularly user documentation of open-source software.

masking scala.Seq

As of Scala 2.13.0-M5, it’s planned that scala.Seq will change from scala.collection.Seq to scala.collection.immutable.Seq. Scala 2.13 collections rework explains a bit about why it’s been non-immutable historically. Between the lines, I think it’s saying that we should celebrate that scala.Seq will now be immutable out of the box. Defaulting to immutable sequence would be good for apps and fresh code. The situation is a bit more complicated for library authors.

making conference a safer space for women

We need to change the culture around tech conferences to improve the inclusion of women (and people from other backgrounds too!). For that, there needs to be clear signaling and communication about two basic issues

  1. No, it’s not ok to hit on women at a conference.
  2. Assume technical competence, and treat women as professional peers. These points should be communicated over and over at each conference before the keynote takes place, and before socializing hours.

'Red Mars' by Kim Stanley Robinson

Red Mars (Mars Trilogy, #1)Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Red Mars is a science fiction classic written in 1992. This book is everything I wanted and more, starting with first hundred astronauts and cosmonauts migrating to Mars to build the infrastructure such that more people can migrate. By the middle of the book, thousands of people migrate to Mars. The book explores various dimensions the epic project, not just technological challenges, but psychological effects, personality differences, and political interests by superpowers. The geography of Mars is written in vivid, majestic details.

super shell for sbt

I’ve implemented “super shell” feature for sbt over the weekend. The idea is to take over the bottom n lines of the termnial, and display the current tasks in progress. the limitation of using log as status report Logs are useful in many situations, and sometimes it’s the only viable tool to find out what’s going on. But on a console app like sbt, using logs to tell the build user what’s going on doesn’t always work.

stricter Scala with -Xlint, -Xfatal-warnings, and Scalafix

Compile, or compile not. There’s no warning. Two of my favorite Scala compiler flags lately are "-Xlint" and "-Xfatal-warnings". Here is an example setting that can be used with subprojects: ThisBuild / organization := "com.example" ThisBuild / version := "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.6" lazy val commonSettings = List( scalacOptions ++= Seq( "-encoding", "utf8", "-deprecation", "-unchecked", "-Xlint", "-feature", "-language:existentials", "-language:experimental.macros", "-language:higherKinds", "-language:implicitConversions", "-Ypartial-unification", "-Yrangepos", ), scalacOptions ++= (scalaVersion.value match { case VersionNumber(Seq(2, 12, _*), _, _) => List("-Xfatal-warnings") case _ => Nil }), Compile / console / scalacOptions --= Seq("-deprecation", "-Xfatal-warnings", "-Xlint") ) lazy val foo = (project in file("foo")) .

git gone: cleaning stale local branches

Working with GitHub and pull requests a lot, I end up accumulating stale branches that are no longer needed. In this post, we will look at how to clean the stale local branches. There are mainly two strategies: Pick a “master” branch, and delete what’s merged to it Assuming branches are deleted first on GitHub, delete local branches that no longer exists on remote “origin” Erik Aybar’s Git Tip: Deleting Old Local Branches takes the second approach.

console games in Scala

I’ve been thinking about rich console applications, the kind of apps that can display things graphically, not just appending lines at the end. Here are some info, enough parts to be able to write Tetris. ANSI X3.64 control sequences To display some text at an arbitrary location on a termial screen, we first need to understand what a terminal actually is. In the middle of 1960s, companies started selling minicomputers such as PDP-8, and later PDP-11 and VAX-11.

all your JDKs on Travis CI using jabba

Whether you want to try using OpenJDK 11-ea, GraalVM, Eclipse OpenJ9, or you are stuck needing to build using OpenJDK 6, jabba has got it all. jabba is a cross-platform Java version manager written by Stanley Shyiko (@shyiko). AdoptOpenJDK 8 and 11 Here’s how we can use jabba on Travis CI to cross build using AdoptOpenJDK 8 and 11: sudo: false dist: trusty group: stable language: scala scala: - 2.12.7 env: global: - JABBA_HOME=/home/travis/.

bringing back power assert with Expecty

Last week I wrote about using source dependencies with sbt-sriracha for testing purpose. This week we’ll look into using Expecty to do power assert. Power assert (or power assertion) is a variant of assert(...) function that that prints out detailed error message automatically. It was originally implemented by Peter Niederwieser (@pniederw) for Spock, and in 2009 it was merged into Groovy 1.7. Power assert has spread to Ruby, JavaScript, Rust, etc.

hot source dependencies using sbt-sriracha

Source dependencies is one of features that existed in sbt since ever, but hasn’t been documented well. immutable source dependency Here’s how to declare source dependency to the latest commit for scopt commandline option parsing library. lazy val scoptJVMRef = ProjectRef(uri("git://"), "scoptJVM") ThisBuild / organization := "com.example" ThisBuild / scalaVersion := "2.12.2" lazy val root = (project in file(".")) .dependsOn(scoptJVMRef) .settings( name := "Hello world" ) When you start sbt and run compile, sbt will automatically clone scopt/scopt under the staging directory, and link the builds together.

detecting Java version from Bash

Yesterday I wrote about cross JVM testing using Travis CI. testing Scala apps on macOS using Travis CI Here’s how we can test Scala apps on macOS using Travis CI. This is adapted from Lars and Muuki’s method: Testing Scala programs with Travis CI on OS X dist: trusty language: scala matrix: include: ## build using JDK 8, test using JDK 8 - script: - sbt universal:packageBin - cd citest && .

cross JVM testing using Travis CI

Oracle is moving to ship non-LTS JDK every 6 months, and LTS JDK every 3 years. Also it’s converging to OpenJDK. In this scheme, JDK 9 will be EOL in March 2018; JDK 10 will come out in March 2018, and EOL in September 2018; and LTS JDK 11 that replaces JDK 8 in September 2018 will stay with us until 2021. As we will see quick succession of JDKs in the upcoming months, here’s a how-to on testing your app on JDK 8, JDK 9, and JDK 10 Early Access using Travis CI.

removing commas with sbt-nocomma

August, 2016 During the SIP-27 trailing commas discussion, one of the thoughts that came to my mind was unifiying some of the commas with semicolons, and take advantage of the semicolon inference. Aug 10 2016 20:46: This doesn’t actually work. @Ichoran kindly pointed out an example: Seq( a b c ) This is interpreted to be Seq(a.b(c)) in Scala today. January, 2018 Recently @swachter opened a thread called Comma inference that reminded me of this topic:

Coursera machine learning memo

This holiday break, I somehow got into binge watching Coursera’s Stanford Machine Learning course taught by Andrew Ng. I remember machine learning to be really math heavy, but I found this one more accessible. Here are some notes for my own use. (I am removing all the fun examples, and making it dry, so if you’re interested in machine learning, you should check out the course or its official notes.)

encoding file path as URI reference

In this post I am going to discuss an old new problem of encoding file path as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference. As of 2017, the authoritative source of information is RFC 8089 - The “file” URI Scheme written by Matthew Kerwin. RFC 8089 The "file" URI Scheme Wow, it actually happened. — Matthew Kerwin (@phluid61) February 18, 2017 Future readers might also want to search for “file URI scheme RFC”, and find the latest version.

sbt server with Sublime Text 3

On Tech Hub blog I demonstrated how to use sbt server from VS Code to display compiler errors from a running sbt session. In this post, I’ll show how to do that for Sublime Text 3 in this post. setting up Sublime Text 3 with sbt server First, add tomv564/LSP plugin to Sublime Text 3. cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages git clone Run ‘Preferences > Package Control > Satisfy Dependencies’ Next, download sbt-server-stdio.


Over the weekend I assembled an Ergodox.

  • Infinity ErgoDox Ergonomic Keyboard Kit via massdrop
  • Cherry MX Brown switches
  • Datamancer Infinity Ergodox Hardwood Case (Black Walnut / Original) via massdrop
  • Plum Blossom PBT Dye-Subbed Keycap Set (OEM, Blank) via massdrop

Scala language server using sbt

It’s been a month since sbt 1.0 shipped, and I can finally sit back and think about sbt server again. Using my weekends time, I started hacking on an implementation of Scala language server on top of sbt server. what is a language server? A language server is a program that can provide language service to editors like Visual Studio Code, Eclipse Che, and Sublime Text 3 via Language Server Protocol.

Persistent Versioning

In this post, I’d like to introduce a version scheme that I call Persistent Versioning. Most of the ideas presented in this post are not new or my own. Let me know if there’s already a name for it. In 2015, Jake Wharton (@JakeWharton) wrote a blog post titled Java Interoperability Policy for Major Version Updates: A new policy from @jessewilson and I for the libraries we work on to ensure major version updates are interoperable: https://t.

auto publish (a website) from Travis-CI

GitHub Pages is a convenient place to host OSS project docs. This post explains how to use Travis CI to deploy your docs automatically on a pull request merge. 1. Generate a fresh RSA key in some directory Make a directory outside of your project first. Pick a key name deploy_yourproject_rsa, so you can distinguish it from other keys. $ mkdir keys $ cd keys $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "yours@example.

tray for Atreus

In the last post that I wrote about Atreus build, I noted that there’s an issue of keyboard positioning: Even if I can overcome the layout and memorize the various symbol locations, there’s the issue of the placement. If I place the keyboard in between me and the laptop the screen becomes too far. I solved this issue by making a tray for Atreus that I can position it on top of the MacBook Pro keyboard.


Last night I finished making my Atreus keyboard from a DYI kit that I got a while back. Here are some of the details: I chose Matias Quiet Click switch option (gray slider). There’s no clicking. The modifiers use Matias Quiet Linear switches (red slider). There are 42 keys in split ortholinear layout. Mahogany ply case. The materials The kit comes with almost everything you need to assemble the Arteus keyboard.

Gigahorse 0.3.0

Gigahorse 0.3.0 is now released. See documentation on what it is.

OkHttp support

0.3.0 adds Square OkHttp support. Gigahorse-OkHttp is availble for Scala 2.10, 2.11, and 2.12.

According to the JavaDoc you actually don’t have to close the OkHttpClient instance.

scala> import gigahorse._, support.okhttp.Gigahorse
import gigahorse._
import support.okhttp.Gigahorse

scala> import scala.concurrent._, duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import duration._

scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config) // don't have to close
http: gigahorse.HttpClient =

downloading and running app on the side with sbt-sidedish

I’ve been asked by a few people on downloading JARs, and then running them from an sbt plugin. Most recently, Shane Delmore (@shanedelmore) asked me about this at nescala in Brooklyn. During an unconference session I hacked together a demo, and I continued some more after I came home. sbt-sidedish sbt-sidedish is a toolkit for plugin authors to download and run an app on the side from a plugin. It on its own does not define any plugins.