sbt is simple, in a sense that it has a few concepts like settings and tasks, and it achieves a wide variety of things. An idea popped into my head today that could simplify sbt further. I don’t have an implementation on this yet.
In the context of sbt, Bazel, and likely many other build tools, the term test could encompass various levels,
and it’s useful to disamgibuate this, especially when we want to configure pre- and post-hooks and parallel execution.
In other words, what do we mean when we say “test”?
There are four levels to test:
test command
test modules
test class
test method/expression
test as commandline interface
The top-most level is the test command that the build tools provide to the users.
sbt 1.6.1 updates log4j 2 to 2.17.1, which fixes a remote code execution vulnerability when attacker controls configuration (CVE-2021-44832) #6765 by @eed3si9n
Hi everyone. On behalf of the sbt project, I am happy to announce sbt 1.6.0. This is the sixth feature release of sbt 1.x, a binary compatible release focusing on new features. sbt 1.x is released under Semantic Versioning, and the plugins are expected to work throughout the 1.x series. Please try it out, and report any issues you might come across.
Hi everyone. On behalf of the sbt project, I am happy to announce sbt 1.6.0-RC2. This is the sixth feature release of sbt 1.x, a binary compatible release focusing on new features. sbt 1.x is released under Semantic Versioning, and the plugins are expected to work throughout the 1.x series. Please try it out, and report any issues you might come across.
If no serious issues are found by Saturday, December 25th 2021, 1.6.0-RC2 will become 1.6.0 final.
If no serious issues are found by Saturday, December 11th 2021, 1.6.0-RC1 will become 1.6.0 final.
I’m hacking on a small project called sudori, an experimental sbt. The initial goal is to port the macro to Scala 3. It’s an exercise to take the macro apart and see if we can build it from the ground up. This an advanced area of Scala 2 and 3, and I’m finding my way around by trial and error. This is part 3.
It’s been a while since I wrote part 2, but in between I’ve written intro to Scala 3 macros, which is sort of a sudori prequel.
Starlark is a dialect of Python, originally designed as a configuration language for the Bazel build tool. Currently there are implementations in Go, Java, and Rust. As far as I know, the main Java implementation of Starlark has only been available as Bazel’s source repo on GitHub.
Since it would be convenient to have a binary distribution, I’ve forked the repo, and published it as "com.eed3si9n.starlark" % "starlark" % "4.2.1" (com.eed3si9n.starlark:starlark:4.2.1) on Maven Central. The code is the same as Bazel 4.2.1.
Macro is a fun and powerful tool, but overuse of the macro could cause harm as well. Please enjoy macros responsibly.
What is macro? A common explanation given is that a macro is a program that is able to take code as an input and output code. While it’s true, it might not immediately make sense since Scala programmers are often familiar with higher-order functions like (map {...}) and by-name parameter, which on the surface it might seem like it is passing a block of code around.
Jar Jar Abrams 1.8.0 and sbt-assembly 1.1.0 are released.
Jar Jar Abrams is an experimental extension to Jar Jar Links, intended to shade Scala libraries. Thus far we have been using Pants team’s fork of Jar Jar Links, but now that it’s been abandaned, Eric Peters has in-sourced it to jarjar-abrams repo so we can patch it.
Our jarjar fork is released under com.eed3si9n.jarjar organization name and package name.
I’m hacking on a small project called sudori, an experimental sbt. The initial goal is to port the macro to Scala 3. It’s an exercise to take the macro apart and see if we can build it from the ground up. This an advanced area of Scala 2 and 3, and I’m finding my way around by trial and error. This is part 2.
When we think of the build.sbt macro, the first thing that comes to our mind is the Applicative do macro that it implements using .value even though some may not use those terms exactly. The main driver for this imperative-to-functional is in the companion object for an oddly named Instance class:
I’m hacking on a small project called sudori, an experimental sbt. The initial goal is to port the macro to Scala 3. It’s an exercise to take the macro apart and see if we can build it from the ground up. This an advanced area of Scala 2 and 3, and I’m finding my way around by trial and error.
In June of 2011, I started working on sbt-assembly for sbt 0.10, based on Coda Hale’s assembly-sbt from sbt 0.7, which in turn was probably inspired by maven-assembly-plugin. After ten years, I’m going to call this one 1.0.0. sbt-assembly 1.0.0 is published to Maven Central.
I’m picking up Python and its Bazel dialect Skylark lately. On the other hand, I’m familiar with Scala and its sbt dialect. Often I know exactly what I want to express, and I am fairly certain Python has the equivalent concept as Scala, but just don’t remember the exact incantation. For people starting Scala, maybe they could use this table in reverse.
There’s a long-standing bug that sbt maintainers have known for a while, which is that when sbt plugin is published to a Maven repository, the POM file sbt generates is not valid. From a mailing list thread titled [0.12] plan for instance, Mark McBride reported it in 2012:
On the maven note, the poms generated for plugins aren’t actually
valid. Trying to upload them to artifactory without disabling pom
consistency checks fails :/
I’m happy to announce sbt 1.5.1 patch release is available. Full release note is here - This post will also report the Bintray to JFrog Artifactory migration.
Bintray to JFrog Artifactory migration status
First and foremost, I would like to thank JFrog for their continued support of sbt project and the Scala ecosystem.
As sbt was taking off in the number of contributors and plugins, we had a Bintray-shaped problem. We wanted individuals to create Ivy-layout repository, publish sbt plugins, but somehow aggregate the resolution to them. Having Github sbt organization allowed fluid ownership of plugin sources, but distributing the binary files were challenge as sbt version was churning. We adopted Bintray in 2014 and it provided the distribution mechanism during our growth years. In addition, we used Bintray to host Debian and RPM installers for sbt, paid for by Lightbend.
Wrote herding cats: day 19 featuring FunctionK, or Rúnar’s encoding of rank-2 polymorphic function, and Resource datatype, which he envisioned rank-N polymorphism would unlock back in 2010.
Hi everyone. On behalf of the sbt project, I am happy to announce sbt 1.5.0. This is the fifth feature release of sbt 1.x, a binary compatible release focusing on new features. sbt 1.x is released under Semantic Versioning, and the plugins are expected to work throughout the 1.x series.
Hi everyone. On behalf of the sbt project, I am happy to announce sbt 1.5.0-RC2. This is the fifth feature release of sbt 1.x, a binary compatible release focusing on new features. sbt 1.x is released under Semantic Versioning, and the plugins are expected to work throughout the 1.x series.
If no serious issues are found by Saturday, April 3rd 2021, 1.5.0-RC2 will become 1.5.0 final.
If no serious issues are found by Saturday, March 27th 2021, 1.5.0-RC1 will become 1.5.0 final.
This is because “unified” slash syntax is called so because it unifies the shell syntax and the build syntax together. Thus, it makes sense to deprecate the old build.sbt syntax that uses in like skip in publish or scalacOptions in (Compile, console), if we’re deprecating the old shell syntax.
git bisecting is a useful technique to locate the source of a bug. For scala/scala in particular, can save a lot of time by using the pre-build compiler artifacts on the Scala CI Artifactory.
I want to tell sbt “this specific version breaks binary compatibility, so don’t resolve it via eviction, fail the build instead.” How do I do this? Complete answers only, I’m done trying to figure it out by following clues.
In this post, we’ll try to automate the release of an sbt plugin using Ólaf’s olafurpg/sbt-ci-release. The README of sbt-ci-release covers the use case for a library published to Sonatype OSS. Read it thoroughly since this post will skip over the details that do not change for publishing sbt plugins.
Automated release in general is a best practice, but there’s one benefit specifically for sbt plugin releases. Using this setup allows multiple people to share the authorization to release an sbt plugin without adding them to Bintray sbt organization. This is useful for plugins maintained at work.
It’s a strange time we live in. We can’t just meet up and catch up and talk about coding. This also opens an opportunity to think more virtually about the idea of meetups.
I want to start Weehawken-Lang, a virtual meetup group about programming languages and tooling design (compilers, interpreters, build tools etc). It aims to be a casual place where people with different language backgrounds can exchange ideas about programming languages.
The feature in sbt and Zinc 1.4.x that I spent most amount of time and energy probably is the virtualization of file, and lifting out timestamps. Combined together, we can liberate the Zinc state from machine-specificity and time, and become the foundation we lay towards building incremental remote caching for Scala. I blogged about this in cached compilation for sbt. This is part 2.
Now that sbt 1.4.x is out, there is a growing interest in this feature among people who want to try this out.
Here’s a report of running a virtual hackathon at ScalaMatsuri Day 2 Unconference. Someone proposed it for the Unconference, and I volunteered to be a facilitator on the day, so I went in without preparation. I booked the time originally for 4h (noon - 4pm JST, 11pm - 3am EDT) but it was successful so it got extended after some coffee break.