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🎄 support Scala Center 🎄

The economic cycle seems to come and go like a slow tide, and sometimes the tech companies also get caught in the middle. Fortunately, Scala seems to be used by some of the leading companies, and although I’ve started using Scala and have been contributing the community mostly for the pure joy of it, time and time again when I was in a bind the Scala community has helped me back by giving me encouragements and career opportunities. I resigned Twitter about a month ago, but I will be more than ok :)

So this is my Christmas card to Scala. Thank you, and happy holidays.

Individual programmers have a utilitarian benefit of having Scala ecosystem, and Scala job market around. I am excited to see companies like Disney, Xebia Functional, Lightbend, and VirtusLab invest into the core Scala tooling, and show up in Github issues. If you have a job, please encourage your employer to let you contribute to open source. When you can do that, that’s great.

There are also the kind of tasks you might not be able to get to. Like fixing CVEs, organizing workshops, and making sbt plugin POM Maven compatible. Scala Center is an independent not-for-profit center established at EPFL to guide and support the Scala community, develop open source libraries and tools for all Scala users, and to provide education for Scala.

Individuals can donate and directly support Scala Center. I just donated 10,000 CHF.


If you can, please consider giving whatever makes sense to you for this cause.