Building a Request value 

To construct a Request value, call Gigahorse.url(...) function:

scala> import gigahorse._, support.asynchttpclient.Gigahorse
scala> val url = ""
scala> val r = Gigahorse.url(url)

Next you can chain the methods defined on Request to construct new values.

HTTP verbs 

There are methods for HTTP verbs: GET, POST, PATCH, PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS.

scala> import
scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get
scala> Gigahorse.url(url).post("")
scala> Gigahorse.url(url).post(new File("something.txt"))

post(...), put(...), and patch(...) methods have a variety that accepts type paramter A that has a context bounds for A: HttpWrite, so potentially this could be extended to accept any custom types.

  /** Uses GET method. */
  def get: Request                                   = this.withMethod(HttpVerbs.GET)
  /** Uses POST method with the given body. */
  def post[A: HttpWrite](body: A): Request           = this.withMethod(HttpVerbs.POST).withBody(body)
  /** Uses POST method with the given body. */
  def post(body: String, charset: Charset): Request  = this.withMethod(HttpVerbs.POST).withBody(EncodedString(body, charset))
  /** Uses POST method with the given file. */
  def post(file: File): Request                      = this.withMethod(HttpVerbs.POST).withBody(FileBody(file))

Request with authentication 

If you need to use HTTP authentication, you can specify it in the request, using a username, password, and an AuthScheme. Valid case objects for the AuthScheme are Basic, Digest, NTLM, Kerberos, and SPNEGO.

scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get.withAuth("username", "password", AuthScheme.Basic)

There’s also an overload for withAuth(...) method that accepts a Realm value, which you can use to specify more details.

Request with query parameters 

Parameters can be specified as a series of key/value tuples.

scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get.
           "q" -> "1 + 1",
           "format" -> "json"

Request with content type 

Content-Type header should be specified when posting a text.

scala> import java.nio.charset.Charset
scala> Gigahorse.url(url).post("some text").
         withContentType(MimeTypes.TEXT, Gigahorse.utf8)

Request with additional headers 

Headers can be specified as a series of key/value tuples.

scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get.
           HeaderNames.AUTHORIZATION -> "bearer ****"

Request with virtual host 

A virtual host can be specified as a string.

scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get.withVirtualHost("")

Request with timeout 

If you wish to specify a request timeout, overriding the one specified by the Config, you can use withRequestTimeout to set a value. An infinite timeout can be set by passing Duration.Inf.

scala> import scala.concurrent._, duration._
scala> Gigahorse.url(url).get.withRequestTimeout(5000.millis)

Submitting form data 

To build a Request value for posting url-form-encoded data, a Map[String, List[String]] needs to be passed into post.

scala> val r = Gigahorse.url("").
         post(Map("inputString" -> List("{}")))

Submitting a file 

A Request value can be created for submitting a file using post, put, or patch method.

scala> Gigahorse.url(url).post(new File("something.txt"))