Asynchronous processing with Reactive Stream 

Thus far we’ve been looking at processing FullResponse, which already retrieved the entire body contents in-memory. When the content is relatively small, it’s fine, but for things like downloading files, we would want to process the content by chunks as we receive them.

Downloading a file 

A file can be downloaded using method:

scala> import gigahorse._, support.okhttp.Gigahorse
scala> import scala.concurrent._, duration._
scala> import ExecutionContext.Implicits._
scala> import
scala> val http = Gigahorse.http(Gigahorse.config)
scala> {
         val file = new File(new File("target"), "Google_2015_logo.svg")
         val r = Gigahorse.url("")
         val f =, file)
         Await.result(f, 120.seconds)

This will return Future[File].

http.runStream(r, f) 

We can treat the incoming response as a Reactive Stream, and work on them part by part using http.runStream(r, f).

  /** Runs the request and return a Future of A. */
  def runStream[A](request: Request, f: StreamResponse => Future[A]): Future[A]

Note that the function takes a StreamResponse instead of a FullResponse. Unlike the FullResponse, it does not have the body contents received yet.

Instead, StreamResponse can create Stream[A] that will retrieve the parts on-demand. As a starting point, Gigahorse provides Gigahorse.asByteStream and Gigahorse.asStringStream.

Here’s how Stream[A] looks like:

import org.reactivestreams.Publisher
import scala.concurrent.Future

abstract class Stream[A] {
   * @return The underlying Stream object.
  def underlying[B]: B

  def toPublisher: Publisher[A]

  /** Runs f on each element received to the stream. */
  def foreach(f: A => Unit): Future[Unit]

  /** Runs f on each element received to the stream with its previous output. */
  def fold[B](zero: B)(f: (B, A) => B): Future[B]

  /** Similar to fold but uses first element as zero element. */
  def reduce(f: (A, A) => A): Future[A]

Using this, processing stream at relative ease. For example, download is implementing as follows:

  def download(request: Request, file: File): Future[File] =
    runStream(request, asFile(file))


import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import{ File, FileOutputStream }
import scala.concurrent.Future

object DownloadHandler {
  /** Function from `StreamResponse` to `Future[File]` */
  def asFile(file: File): StreamResponse => Future[File] = (response: StreamResponse) =>
      val stream = response.byteBuffers
      val out = new FileOutputStream(file).getChannel
      stream.fold(file)((acc, bb) => {

stream.fold will write into the FileOutputStream as the parts arrive.

Newline delimited stream 

Here’s another example, this time using Akka HTTP. Suppose we are running $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000, which serves the current directory over port 8000, and let’s say we want to take README.markdown and print each line:

scala> import gigahorse._, support.akkahttp.Gigahorse
import gigahorse._
import support.akkahttp.Gigahorse

scala> import scala.concurrent._, duration._
import scala.concurrent._
import duration._

scala> Gigahorse.withHttp(Gigahorse.config) { http =>
         val r = Gigahorse.url("http://localhost:8000/README.markdown").get
         val f = http.runStream(r, Gigahorse.asStringStream andThen { xs =>
           xs.foreach { s => println(s) }
         Await.result(f, 120.seconds)

Gigahorse is an HTTP client for Scala with Async Http Client or Lightbend Akka HTTP underneath.

It worked. This could be used for process an infinite stream of JSON.