- ifdef 0.4.0
- intro to Hedgehog for Scala
- Scala 3 Manifesto 0.1.0
- tree-sitter-scala 0.22.1
- ifdef 0.3.0: conditional compilation in Scala
- how to see the trees using the Scala compilers
- ten things I like about Scala 3
- tree-sitter-scala 0.22.0
- tree-sitter-scala 0.21.0
- JDK 21 and 22-ea on GitHub Actions
- ifdef in Scala via pre-typer processing
- ifdef macro in Scala
- tree-sitter-scala 0.20.2
- automate refactoring with Bazel + Scalafix
- tree-sitter-scala 0.20.1
- tree-sitter-scala 0.20.0
- cross build anything with Bazel
- scalaxb 1.9.1
- scopt 4.1.0
- Starlark 4.2.1
- JDK 17 on GitHub Actions
- intro to Scala 3 macros
- herding cats: day 19
- enforcing Semantic Versioning with sbt-strict-update
- scopt 4
- virtualizing a hackathon at ScalaMatsuri 2020
- Equality in Scala
- Jar Jar Abrams
- Zinc 1.4.0-M1
- user-land compiler warnings in Scala
- equal protection under Eq law
- liberty, equality, and boxed primitive types
- semantics of dependency resolvers
- Expecty 0.12.0 and 0.13.0
- all your JDKs on Travis CI using SDKMAN!
- masking scala.Seq
- stricter Scala with -Xlint, -Xfatal-warnings, and Scalafix
- console games in Scala
- all your JDKs on Travis CI using jabba
- detecting Java version from Bash
- removing commas with sbt-nocomma
- herding cats: day 17
- encoding file path as URI reference
- Contraband, an alternative to case class
- Gigahorse 0.2.0
- registry and reference pattern
- sjson-new and the prisoner of Azkaban
- sjson-new and custom codecs using LList
- sjson-new
- ScalaMatsuri as a lifestyle
- stricter Scala with -Yno-lub
- switching Java version
- towards universal access at a conference
- ScalaMatsuri day1
- scripting with Scala
- constraining class linearization (mixin order) in Scala
- curious case of putting override modifier when overriding an abstract method in Scala
- Scala: the flying sandwich parts
- scopt 3.0
- how to write a Dispatch plugin
- Notes on 'Monads Are Not Metaphors'
- translating a conference
- typeclass-based XML data binding
- Scala and Evaluation Strategy