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about me

I am Eugene Yokota (@eed3si9n on Mastodon and GitHub), a software engineer with years of experience working on Scala tooling. Most recently, I’ve been an L6 (equivalent to Staff Engineer) at Netflix’s Productivity, Tooling, and Reliability team in the AIMS org that is responsible for recommendation algorithms. Previously I was a Staff Engineer at Twitter’s EE Build/Bazel Migration team migrating the largest Scala monorepo into Bazel (See 2 years at Twitter for details).

My specialties are researching and documenting complex landscapes of problems through reading, and talking to people, and bringing them into concrete implementations. I’m great at taking existing tools, and making them more performant and developer-friendly.

I’ve been lead sbt maintainer since 2014 (as a side project since 2020), former Tech Lead of the Lightbend Tooling Team, and later a member of the Scala (Compiler) Team. I’m passionate about improving developer experience on and off the work, and like to tinker with ideas both through coding and this blog as my personal platform. Here is a select list of my writing/works:

See also ‘herding cats’ series, a tutorial for Typelevel Cats library.

I also have twelve years of experience on various open source projects on GitHub, and eleven years of experience working remotely. Most people would describe me as a friendly person to work with.

talks / workshops

I’ve given talks in meetup groups, conferences, and facilitated workshops.