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tag-based back publishing with sbt

sbt-ci-release 1.9.0 is released, implementing tag-based back publishing support.


In the earlier years of Scala, every patch version broke binary compatibility, and all libraries must be built for a specific patch version of Scala. One of the immune system the Scala community developed against this challenge was to cross build the same set of source code against mutiple versions of Scala by appending _2.10 suffix. If a new version of Scala arrived that required no changes to the code, we could back publish to an existing version number. The velocity of Scala evolution has stabilized since then, but the cross building has come in handy for various other axes like Scala JVM + JS + Native, testing against binary-incompatible milestone versions of Scala, sbt, etc.

In June 2018, Ólafur Geirsson revolutionlized library publishing in Scala by creating sbt-ci-release 1.0.0, which fully automated the publishing process from tags. What was amazing was how it reused GPG signing from sbt-pgp, tag versioning from sbt-dynver, and Sonatype releasing from sbt-sonatype. In other words, the ingredient for the full automation was almost there. What Olaf standardized with extensive REAME was how information can be passed via environment variables.

Today, I released sbt-ci-release 1.9.0, implementing tag-based back publishing support.

back publishing

sbt-ci-release 1.9.0 implements a mini DSL for the Git tag:


This allows library and plugin authors to back publish a code base. A back-publish tag is split via @ character, and uses # to denote comments. Let’s look into some uses cases of how back publishing can be implemented.

“GitOps” back publishing

v1.2.3#unique_comment, for example v1.2.3#native0.5_3.

If you prefer to keep most of the information in a git branch, you can just use the comment functionality.

  1. Branch off of v1.2.3 to create release/1.2.3 branch, and send a PR to: a. Update appropriate dependency (sbt, Scala Native etc) b. Modify the CI_RELEASE environment variable to encode the actions you want to take, like ;++3.x;foo_native/publishSigned. For GitHub Actions, it would be in .github/workflows/release.yml
  2. Tag the branch to v1.2.3#unique_comment. For record keeping, encode the version you’re trying to back publishing for e.g. v1.2.3#native0.5_3

Previously the version would’ve been v1.2.3#native0.5_3, but with sbt-ci-release 1.9.0, the version would be v1.2.3.

Publishing against a specific Scala version

v1.2.3@2.13.15, v1.2.3@3.x, or v1.2.3@3.x#unique_comment.

There are a few situations where one might back publish a library for a specific Scala version:

  1. Compiler plugin is published against full Scala version, like 2.13.14, 2.13.15, etc.
  2. For Scala compiler milestones, you want to republish your library

For compiler plugins, v1.2.3@2.13.15 will expand to ;++2.13.15!;publishSigned and release all subprojects under the current branch with Scala 2.13.15.

Publishing against a specific sbt version


We can use this to back publish sbt 2.x plugins.

  1. Branch off of v1.2.3 to create release/1.2.3 branch, and send a PR to update pluginCrossBuild / sbtVersion:
    (pluginCrossBuild / sbtVersion) := {
      ScalaBinaryVersion.value match {
        case "2.12" => "1.5.8"
        case _      => "2.0.0-M3"
  2. Tag the brach to v1.2.3@3.x#sbt2.0.0-M3

Publishing against a new Scala JS backend, Scala Native, etc


  1. Branch off of v1.2.3 to create release/1.2.3 branch, and send a PR to update the appropriate Scala Native version etc.
  2. Tag the branch to v1.2.3@+foo_native/publishSigned#native0.5

This will run the +foo_native/publishSigned command as the CI_RELEASE command.


sbt-ci-release 1.9.0 implements a mini DSL for the Git tag to support back publishing. Library authors can use this to either implement GitOps-style back publishing, or tag-based back publishing where the Scala version and the commands are embedded in the Git tag.