sjson-new and the prisoner of Azkaban
This is part 3 on the topic of sjson-new. See also part 1 and part 2.
Within the sbt code base there are a few places where the persisted data is in the order of hundreds of megabytes that I suspect it becomes a performance bottleneck, especially on machines without an SSD drive. Naturally, my first instinct was to start reading up on the encoding of Google Protocol Buffers to implement my own custom binary format.
microbenchmark using sbt-jmh
What I should’ve done first, is start benchmarking. Using @ktosopl (Konrad Malawski)’s sbt-jmh, setting up a microbenchmark is easy. All you have to do is pop that plugin into your build. and create a subproject that enables JmhPlugin
lazy val benchmark = (project in file("benchmark")).
dependsOn(supportSpray). // add other subprojects you want to test
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(jawnSpray, lm),
// sbt-jmh forks the run, so you would need these
javaOptions in (Jmh, run) ++= Seq("-Xmx1G", "-Dfile.encoding=UTF8"),
publish := {},
publishLocal := {},
PgpKeys.publishSigned := {}
One caveat is that you need to add javaOptions in (Jmh, run)
because sbt-jmh uses forked run
Then follow some of the examples. I created mine as an abstract class following the example of Jawn.
package sjsonnew
package benchmark
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations._
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import sbt.librarymanagement.ModuleID
import sbt.internal.librarymanagement.impl.DependencyBuilders
import{ IO, Using }
import scala.util.Random
abstract class JsonBenchmark[J](converter: SupportConverter[J]) {
def moduleId1SaveToFile: Unit = {
import LibraryManagementProtocol._
val js = converter.toJson(BenchmarkData.moduleIds)
saveToFile(js.get, testFile)
def moduleId2LoadFromFile: Unit = {
import LibraryManagementProtocol._
val js = loadFromFile(testFile)
def saveToFile(js: J, f: File): Unit
def loadFromFile(f: File): J
def testFile: File
object BenchmarkData extends DependencyBuilders {
lazy val moduleIds = listOfModuleIds(20000)
def listOfModuleIds(n: Int): Vector[ModuleID] =
(1 to n).toVector map { x =>
"com.example" % s"foo$x" % randomVersion
private val rand = new Random(1L)
def randomVersion: String =
s"${rand.nextInt % 10}.${rand.nextInt % 10}.${rand.nextInt % 10}"
class SprayBenchmark extends JsonBenchmark[spray.json.JsValue]( {
import spray.json._
lazy val testFile: File = file("target") / "test-spray.json"
def saveToFile(js: JsValue, f: File): Unit =
IO.write(f, CompactPrinter(js), IO.utf8)
def loadFromFile(f: File): JsValue =
This will let me compare different JSON backends under the same condition. Of course, there are many other parameters such as the hardware and the quality of the data that affects the performance metrics, but this should give me a ballpark idea.
The benchmarks are executed as follows:
> jmh:run -i 10 -wi 3 -f1 -t1
This means:
- 10 iterations
- 3 warmup iterations
- 1 fork
- 1 thread
At the end, you get an output like this:
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 26.884 ± 27.383 ms/op
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 37.435 ± 63.106 ms/op
custom binary format
Like I said benchmarking is where I should’ve started. Instead what I did was creating a new binary format that’s inspired by Google Protocol Buffers and Apache Avro. See Binary Mode for the code.
Here is the binary message for 150: Int
01 00 00 00 AC 02
----------- -----
The first four bytes represent a tag. The first byte of the tag represents the wiretype, and reset of three bytes are used for the hash of field name. AC 02
is the ZigZag encoding of varint same as protobuf. This encoding uses fewer bytes for smaller values of integers.
Here’s the binary message for "Hello"
07 00 00 00 05 48 65 6C 6C 6F
----------- -- --------------
tag len
The wiretype for String is 07
, and the content is length-delimited UTF-8 String.
Here’s the binary message for Map("a" -> 1, "b" -> 2)
01 96 44 87 02
----------- --
01 41 F9 E8 04
----------- --
0A 00 00 00 0C
----------- --
01 96 44 87 01 61
----------- -- --
01 41 F9 E8 01 62
----------- -- --
- The first tag
01 96 44 87
is fora: Int
is the wiretype forInt
and96 44 87
is derived from the murmurhash of"a"
. 02
is the ZigZag encoding of 1- The second tag
01 41 F9 E8
is forb: Int
is the ZigZag encoding of 2- The third tag
0A 00 00 00
is for the field name table 0C
is the number of bytes (12) in this table, encoded as unsigned varint- Entry for the first tag.
01 61
is length-delimited String for"a"
- Entry for the second tag.
01 62
is length-delimited String for"b"
The idea behind this is that I wanted the binary message to retain the flexibility of JSON object where a datatype can be evolved over time by adding new fields. At the same time, carrying around the field names for each entry seems wasteful, so here I’m using a fast hashing algorithm to shrink the field names into 24 bits. This is subject to hash collisions, but that’s something I could detect during encoding.
When I pushed this pull request out, @xuwei-k (Yoshida-san)’s reaction was “why aren’t you using MessagePack?”
MessagePack support
After implementing my own binary format, it didn’t take too long to implement MessagePack support.
MessagePack packs a whole a lot more into the initial tag byte so things like null
can be expressed in a single byte.
Note that I’ve used msgpack-java as the backend, so the performance might be different from the C++ implementation of msgpack.
gzipped Spray JSON
@fommil (Sam Halliday) had also told me that gzipped Spray JSON gets a better performance than binary formats. Now that we have the harness, we can compare head to head. Here’s the benchmark result using Travis CI:
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] BinaryBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 152.395 ± 140.531 ms/op
[info] BinaryBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 82.070 ± 22.701 ms/op
[info] GzipSprayBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 60.115 ± 60.010 ms/op
[info] GzipSprayBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 39.847 ± 5.957 ms/op
[info] MessagePackBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 48.141 ± 7.782 ms/op
[info] MessagePackBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 90.794 ± 21.501 ms/op
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 32.879 ± 6.607 ms/op
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 40.074 ± 14.096 ms/op
Both for saving and loading, the custom binary format is doing the worst in terms of time (234ms). If you combine the saving and loading timing, overall plain Spray JSON using Jawn does the best (72ms), gzipped Spray JSON next (99ms), and then MessagePack (138ms).
In terms of the file size, Spray JSON is 1.4 MB, gzipped Spray JSON is 123 KB, MessgePack is 1.2 MB, and the custon binary message is 896 KB. Because the test data had a lot of repetition, it might have compressed too well, but still we get 1/10 of the file size for around 40% penalty in time. This is worth considering especially for machines that does not have SSD drives.
Scala JSON support
One of the motivations for me to write sjson-new to begin with was providing a transition path to use SLIP-28 Scala JSON AST.
The principal driver behind Scala JSON, Matthew de Detrich, has published a milestone for Scala JSON AST under "org.mdedetrich" %% "scala-json-ast" % "1.0.0-M1"
, so we can start trying it out. It doesn’t include neither parser nor a pretty printer so I’ve brought Jawn facade in from Mathew’s Jawn fork and a pretty printer from Spray. Without too much work, I was able to provide support for Scala JSON’s “unsafe” AST.
The most tedious part is providing the JsonFormat
for each datatype. But once that part is done, sjson-new can reuse the same protocol across different backends with no additional work. Here’s the benchmark result:
Edit: The above result was likely because of my bug. More recent result looks like this:
[info] Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
[info] GzipScalaJsonBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 43.528 ± 4.601 ms/op
[info] GzipScalaJsonBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 43.678 ± 2.873 ms/op
[info] GzipSprayBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 42.768 ± 2.806 ms/op
[info] GzipSprayBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 35.995 ± 2.718 ms/op
[info] MessagePackBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 48.509 ± 6.870 ms/op
[info] MessagePackBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 71.310 ± 6.126 ms/op
[info] ScalaJsonBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 31.169 ± 4.301 ms/op
[info] ScalaJsonBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 40.558 ± 2.958 ms/op
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId1SaveToFile avgt 10 34.160 ± 3.802 ms/op
[info] SprayBenchmark.moduleId2LoadFromFile avgt 10 31.524 ± 3.403 ms/op
This shows that Scala JSON using Jawn (71ms) is round tripping 9% slower than Spray JSON using Jawn (65ms). Similar trend continues for gzipped Scala JSON using Jawn (86ms) and gzipped Spray JSON using Jawn (77ms).
The file sizes are identical, which should be no surprise since they are both based on the Spray JSON’s compact printer.
emulating JNothing
There’s still something we can learn from the binary protocols like Protocol Buffers:
For any non-repeated fields in proto3, or
fields in proto2, the encoded message may or may not have a key-value pair with that tag number.In proto3, repeated fields are packed by default. These function like repeated fields, but are encoded differently. A packed repeated field containing zero elements does not appear in the encoded message.
These techniques can be applied to JSON format as well. There are a lot of datatypes that has Option[A]
fields, or some collection fields that default to None
or empty value. Not including those empty fields into JSON object has several benefits.
First, this should allow some evolution of the schema because the reading side becomes more permissive. When JSON is missing a field, it will now fill in some default value. Second, this will make the size of JSON object smaller since we won’t need to include field names for them.
Lift JSON/Json4s has a notion called JNothing
that expresses a lack of value, but I think the modern thinking is to use Option[J]
instead. This means changing JsonReader
so it accepts Option[J]
instead of J
. Here’s the modified JsonFormat
for Int
implicit object IntJsonFormat extends JsonFormat[Int] {
def write[J](x: Int, builder: Builder[J]): Unit =
def read[J](jsOpt: Option[J], unbuilder: Unbuilder[J]): Int =
jsOpt match {
case Some(js) => unbuilder.readInt(js)
case None => 0
This covers the reading part. Next I added def addField[J](name: String, obj: A, builder: Builder[J]): Unit
method to the JsonWriter
. This allows the format to optionally omit the creation of a JSON field. Let’s try using this:
scala> import sjsonnew._, BasicJsonProtocol._
import sjsonnew._
import BasicJsonProtocol._
scala> case class Person(name: String, opt: Option[Int])
defined class Person
scala> :paste
// Entering paste mode (ctrl-D to finish)
implicit object PersonFormat extends JsonFormat[Person] {
def write[J](x: Person, builder: Builder[J]): Unit = {
builder.addField("value", x.opt)
def read[J](jsOpt: Option[J], unbuilder: Unbuilder[J]): Person =
jsOpt match {
case Some(js) =>
val name = unbuilder.readField[String]("name")
val opt = unbuilder.readField[Option[Int]]("opt")
Person(name, opt)
case None =>
deserializationError("Expected JsObject but found None")
// Exiting paste mode, now interpreting.
defined object PersonFormat
scala> import{ Converter, CompactPrinter }
import{Converter, CompactPrinter}
scala> Converter.toJson(Person("Bob", None))
res1: scala.util.Try[scala.json.ast.unsafe.JValue] = Success(JObject([Lscala.json.ast.unsafe.JField;@7cb6ea15))
scala> CompactPrinter(res1.get)
res2: String = {"name":"Bob"}
scala> Converter.fromJson[Person](res1.get)
res3: scala.util.Try[Person] = Success(Person(Bob,None))
As you can see, the JSON representation for Person("Bob", None)
does not include the field for None
sjson-new 0.4.0
Since gzipping is faster, smaller, and likely more reliable than rolling out my own binary format, I’ve decided to not include that into 0.4.0. If you want to try the feature described in this post other than that, here’s 0.4.0:
// To use sjson-new with Spray JSON
libraryDependencies += "com.eed3si9n" %% "sjson-new-spray" % "0.4.0"
// To use sjson-new with Scala JSON
libraryDependencies += "com.eed3si9n" %% "sjson-new-scalajson" % "0.4.0"
// To use sjson-new with MessagePack
libraryDependencies += "com.eed3si9n" %% "sjson-new-msgpack" % "0.4.0"