downloading and running app on the side with sbt-sidedish
I’ve been asked by a few people on downloading JARs, and then running them from an sbt plugin. Most recently, Shane Delmore (@shanedelmore) asked me about this at nescala in Brooklyn.
During an unconference session I hacked together a demo, and I continued some more after I came home.
sbt-sidedish is a toolkit for plugin authors to download and run an app on the side from a plugin. It on its own does not define any plugins.
rewritedemo, a commandline app
First, create a command line app that you want to run on the side. This could be in Scala 2.11 or 2.12. Here’s a demo app I wrote that uses Scalafix to add an import statement to some code. Scalafix is a Scala code rewriting tool and library that uses scala.meta. See Scalafix docs and sources for the details on that.
sbt-rewritedemo, an sbt plugin
Next, suppose you want to run rewritedemo against some subproject in your build and derive another subproject. Here’s a plugin you can write using sbt-sidedish.
package sbtrewritedemo
import sbt._
import Keys._
import sbtsidedish.Sidedish
object RewriteDemoPlugin extends AutoPlugin {
override def requires = sbt.plugins.JvmPlugin
object autoImport extends RewriteDemoKeys
import autoImport._
val sidedish = Sidedish("sbtrewritedemo-metatool",
// scalaVersion
// ModuleID of your app
List("com.eed3si9n" %% "rewritedemo" % "0.1.2"),
// main class
override def extraProjects: Seq[Project] =
// extra settings
// Resolve the app from sbt community repo.
resolvers += Resolver.bintrayIvyRepo("sbt", "sbt-plugin-releases")
override def projectSettings = Seq(
rewritedemoOrigin := "example",
sourceGenerators in Compile +=
Def.taskDyn {
val example = LocalProject(rewritedemoOrigin.value)
val workingDir = baseDirectory.value
val out = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "rewritedemo"
Def.taskDyn {
val srcDirs = (sourceDirectories in (example, Compile)).value
val srcs = (sources in (example, Compile)).value
val cp = (fullClasspath in (example, Compile)).value
val jvmOptions = List("-Dscalameta.sourcepath=" + "\"" + srcDirs.mkString( + "\"",
"-Dscalameta.classpath=" + "\"" + cp.mkString( "\"",
"-Drewrite.out=" + out)
Def.task {
sidedish.forkRunTask(workingDir, jvmOptions = jvmOptions, args = Nil).value
Def.task {
val out = (sourceManaged in Compile).value / "rewritedemo"
(out ** "*.scala").get
trait RewriteDemoKeys {
val rewritedemoOrigin = settingKey[String]("")
object RewriteDemoKeys extends RewriteDemoKeys
This uses synthetic subproject feature that was added in sbt 0.13.13.
The tricky part is passing the right arguments to the app from the user’s build. I had to double wrap dynamic tasks to refer to the source directories from the origin and pass it in as JVM options.
how sbt-rewritedemo gets used
addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-rewritedemo" % "0.1.2")
lazy val example = (project in file("example"))
name := "example",
scalaVersion := "2.12.1"
lazy val derived1 = (project in file("derived1"))
name := "derived1",
rewritedemoOrigin := "example",
scalaVersion := "2.12.1"
Now suppose we have Example.scala
under example/src/main/scala/Example.scala
package foo
object Example extends App {
println(Seq(1, 2, 3))
When you run derived1/compile
from the sbt shell, it runs the rewrite app using Scala 2.12 and generates the following file under the managed source directory:
package foo
import scala.collection.immutable.Seq
object Example extends App {
println(Seq(1, 2, 3))
In other words, using sbt-sidedish we could run 2.12 app from an sbt plugin.