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sbt-logo proposal

See sbt-logo proposals thread on sbt-dev and the original thread on sbt. The source is at eed3si9n/sbt-logo.

Edit: Changed the tail of ’t’. See github for the original.

.sbt build definition

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

> ~compile

.sbt build definition

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

> ~compile

.sbt build definition

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

sbt is a build tool for Scala and Java projects that aims to do the basics well.

> ~compile