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Scala 3 Manifesto 0.1.0

Over the weekend, I created Scala 3 Manifesto 0.1.0, a small library to re-implement scala.reflect.Manifest in Scala 3.

Programming languages operate at two levels. First, the material level where bits and bytes are moved to take actions. Second, there is a higher, spiritual level that describes the material level. The first level is the runtime. The second level is the compile-time. Scala programs are written using val terms that are typed, but at the JVM bytecode, JS, or Native, the variables turn into something different, often more general. For example, a variable typed to List[Int] becomes List[AnyRef] at runtime.

Example of Scala 2.x Manifest

In Scala 2.x, scala.reflect.Manifest provides a mechanism to materialize the spiritual (type) information into the runtime. This is called reification.

Here’s a demonstration of the limitation caused by type erasure:

// BAD EXAMPLE in Scala 2.12.20

package example

object Hello extends App {

  def foo(xs: Any): String =
    xs match {
      case xs: List[Int]    => "xs is List[Int]"
      case xs: List[String] => "xs is List[String]"
      case xs               => "xs is unknown"

If you run the code on either Scala 2.x or 3.x, you get an incorrect answer:

sbt:foo> run
[info] running example.Hello
xs is List[Int]

This is because the pattern match runs at runtime, and List[Int] and List[String] are not distinguished.

We can fix this problem by capturing the type information of List("hi"), and do our own type checking:

package example

import scala.reflect.Manifest

object Hello extends App {

  def foo[A1: Manifest](xs: A1): String = {
    val m = implicitly[Manifest[A1]]
    val mli = implicitly[Manifest[List[Int]]]
    val mls = implicitly[Manifest[List[String]]]
    xs match {
      case xs: List[Int]    if m == mli => "xs is List[Int]"
      case xs: List[String] if m == mls => "xs is List[String]"

This will print:

sbt:foo> run
[info] running example.Hello
xs is List[String]

Manifest also provides typeArguments method to traverse into the type parameters. Generally speaking, Manifest provides a lightweight interface for metaprogramming without going into the macros.

Scala 3 problem

In Scala 3 Manifest still works, but it shows a deprecation warning:

[warn] -- Deprecation Warning: src/main/scala/Hello.scala:6:25 -------
[warn] 6 |  println(foo(List("hi")))
[warn]   |                         ^
[warn]   |Compiler synthesis of Manifest and OptManifest is deprecated, instead
[warn]   |replace with the type `scala.reflect.ClassTag[List[String]]`.
[warn]   |Alternatively, consider using the new metaprogramming features of Scala 3,
[warn]   |see

ClassTag doesn’t seem to capture the type information:

// BAD EXAMPLE in Scala 3.5.1

package example

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

@main def hello(): Unit =
  println(foo(List("hi"))) // xs is List[Int]

def foo[A1: ClassTag](xs: A1): String =
  val m = summon[ClassTag[A1]]
  val mli = summon[ClassTag[List[Int]]]
  val mls = summon[ClassTag[List[String]]]
  xs match
    case xs: List[Int]    if m == mli => "xs is List[Int]"
    case xs: List[String] if m == mls => "xs is List[String]"
sbt:foo> run
[info] running example.hello
xs is List[Int]

Scala 3 also adds a mechanism called TypeTest, which might make the pattern match look nicer, but the default TypeTest cannot capture the type arguments:

sbt:foo> run
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to xxx/target/out/jvm/scala-3.5.1/foo/backend ...
[warn] -- [E092] Pattern Match Unchecked Warning: xxx/src/main/scala/Hello.scala:7:25
[warn] 7 |  println(foo(List("hi")))
[warn]   |                         ^
[warn]   |the type test for List[Int] cannot be checked at runtime because its type arguments can't be determined from List[String]
[warn]   |
[warn]   | longer explanation available when compiling with `-explain`
[warn] one warning found
[info] running example.hello
xs is List[Int]

Manifesto 0.1.0

scalaVersion := "3.5.1"
Compile / scalacOptions += "-deprecation"
libraryDependencies += "com.eed3si9n.manifesto" %% "manifesto" % "0.1.0"

Manifesto is a small library that implements Manifesto[A1], which can be used as a replacement of Manifest[A1] in certain use cases:

package example

import com.eed3si9n.manifesto.Manifesto

@main def hello(): Unit =
  println(foo(List("hi"))) // xs is List[String]

def foo[A1: Manifesto](xs: A1): String =
  val m = Manifesto[A1]
  val mli = Manifesto[List[Int]]
  val mls = Manifesto[List[String]]
  xs match
    case xs: List[Int]    if m == mli => "xs is List[Int]"
    case xs: List[String] if m == mls => "xs is List[String]"

This works as expected:

sbt:foo> run
[info] running example.hello
xs is List[String]

Manifesto provides typeArguments method, which returns a list of Manifestos:

package example

import com.eed3si9n.manifesto.Manifesto

@main def hello(): Unit =
  println(bar(List("hi"))) // java.lang.String

def bar[A1: Manifesto](xs: A1): String =
  val m = Manifesto[A1]


Manifesto is a tree-shaped data structure:

trait Manifesto[A1]:
  def typeCon: String
  def typeArguments: List[Manifesto[?]]
  def isSingleton: Boolean
  override def toString(): String = show
  def show: String =
    if typeArguments.isEmpty then typeCon
    else s"""$typeCon[${typeArguments.mkString(",")}]"""
end Manifesto

object Manifesto:
  def apply[A1: Manifesto]: Manifesto[A1] = summon[Manifesto[A1]]
  inline given [A1]: Manifesto[A1] = Derivation.derived[A1]
end Manifesto

The derivation code is a relatively simple Scala 3 macro that traverses over the TypeRepr. TypeRepr provides access to the type information during compile-time. So we can retreieve the class name at each level, and recursively creates Manifesto structure.

Manifest provides more features, but for my own use case having this information allows me to cross build with both Scala 2.x and 3.x with a minimum shim.

Prior works

There are several projects that are related to this idea: