search term:

IRC memo

register your nick

/msg NickServ REGISTER %password%

What is the recommended way to set up my IRC nickname?

make new channel

To check whether a channel has already been registered, use the command:

/msg ChanServ info ##channelname

/join ##channelname

The command to register your channel (once you’ve joined it and you have op status) is as follows:

/msg ChanServ register ##channelname

Registering a channel on freenode

moderate a channel

Only users who have a voice are able to talk.

/mode ##channelname +m

Using the Network

give voice

For freenode,

/msg ChanServ FLAGS ##channelname Jon +v

The standard way seems to be /mode ##channelname +v Jon.

Here’s removing the voice

/msg ChanServ FLAGS ##channelname Jon -v

give operator rights

For freenode,

/msg ChanServ FLAGS ##channelname Jon +oO

The standard way seems to be /mode ##channelname +o Jon.