encoding file path as URI reference
In this post I am going to discuss an old new problem of encoding file path as Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) reference.
As of 2017, the authoritative source of information is RFC 8089 - The “file” URI Scheme written by Matthew Kerwin.
RFC 8089 The "file" URI Scheme https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8089 Wow, it actually happened.
— Matthew Kerwin (@phluid61) February 18, 2017
Future readers might also want to search for “file URI scheme RFC”, and find the latest version. If you’re a programmer, read the RFC. This post is to raise the awareness of the some of the issues around file to URI encoding, but it’s not a substitution.
Recently I’ve been running into interop problems as some platforms are unable to parse file:/foo/bar
. But this is not the first time I’m having trouble with file path represented as URI. Considering that the notion of filesystem goes back to 1960s, and URL has been around since 1990s, it’s surprising that we haven’t come to a concensus on this. But then again, like decimal numbers, once you start digging deeper, or start exchanging data, we find some glitches in the Matrix.
Here’s the implementation I use as of November, 2020:
import java.io.File
import java.net.{ URI, URISyntaxException }
import java.util.Locale
private val isWindows: Boolean =
private final val FileScheme = "file"
/** Converts the given File to a URI. If the File is relative, the URI is relative, unlike File.toURI*/
def toUri(input: File): URI = {
def ensureHeadSlash(name: String) =
if (name.nonEmpty && name.head != File.separatorChar) File.separatorChar.toString + name
else name
def normalizeToSlash(name: String) =
if (File.separatorChar == '/') name
else name.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')
val p = input.getPath
if (isWindows && p.nonEmpty && p.head == File.separatorChar)
if (p.startsWith("""\\""")) new URI(FileScheme, normalizeToSlash(p), null)
else new URI(FileScheme, "", normalizeToSlash(p), null)
else if (input.isAbsolute)
new URI(FileScheme, "", normalizeToSlash(ensureHeadSlash(input.getAbsolutePath)), null)
else new URI(null, normalizeToSlash(p), null)
/** Converts the given URI to a File. */
def toFile(uri: URI): File =
try {
val part = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart
if (uri.getScheme == null || uri.getScheme == FileScheme) ()
else sys.error(s"Expected protocol to be '$FileScheme' or empty in URI $uri")
Option(uri.getAuthority) match {
case None if part startsWith "/" => new File(uri)
case _ =>
if (!(part startsWith "/") && (part contains ":")) new File("//" + part)
else new File(part)
} catch { case _: URISyntaxException => new File(uri.getPath) }
what are file paths?
The following is by no means an exhaustive list, but it covers much of the path that we come across on popular operating systems like macOS, Linux, and Windows:
- Absolute paths on Unix-like filesystem:
- Relative paths on Unix-like filesystem:
- Absolute paths on Windows filesystem:
C:\Documents and Settings\
- Relative paths on Windows filesystem:
..\My Documents\test
- UNC paths on Windows:
\\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
On Unix-like filesystem, there’s also home directory symbol ~
anatomy of URI
The generic URI syntax consists of a hierarchical sequence of components referred to as the scheme, authority, path, query, and fragment.
\_/ \______________/\_________/ \_________/ \__/
| | | | |
scheme authority path query fragment
| _____________________|__
/ \ / \
The scheme in our case will be file
The authority breaks down to more familar components:
authority = [ userinfo "@" ] host [ ":" port ]
For our purpose, authority mostly equals to “host,” but it’s good to learn this term because you hear a lot of “authority this” and “authority that” when discussing URIs.
The path component is the wild west between authority and query. In an old terminology, the string between scheme’s :
and query is called scheme-specific part.
u0 notation
As a shorthand for discussing URIs, I count the number of slashes after the scheme :
, and call them u0 notation, u1 notation etc.
- u0 notation
- u1 notation
- u2 notation
- u3 notation
URI reference
When we say “URI”, we often mean URI reference that includes both a URI or a relative reference. For example, java.net.URI
represents URI reference.
4.2. Relative Reference is defined by RFC 3986 as follows:
relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-noscheme
/ path-empty
For our purpose, we can think of it as mostly as the path component of the URI, which then gets applied to some target URI.
absolute paths from Unix-like filesystem
An absolute path from Unix-like filesystem /etc/hosts
should be encoded using u3 notation file:///etc/hosts
to maximize compatibility with current and previous RFCs.
Current RFC 8089 allows /etc/hosts
to be encoded in u1, u2, and u3 notations.
But the problem is that RFC 8089 came out in Februrary 2017, and there has been plenty of programs and libraries written priror to 2017. RFC 1738 that came out in 1994 defines URL, and 3.10 FILES defines the file
scheme as
As a special case,
can be the string “localhost” or the empty string; this is interpreted as ’the machine from which the URL is being interpreted'.
In other words, RFC 1738 requires u2 notation or u3 notation. This is further confirmed in RFC 3986 and Kerwin 2013 Draft examples. So if we encode using u1 notation, it might be legal for RFC 8089, but other programs may not be able to parse it correctly.
In Scala/Java, java.io.File#toURI
unfortunately produces u1:
scala> import java.io.File
scala> val etcHosts = new File("/etc/hosts")
etcHosts: java.io.File = /etc/hosts
scala> etcHosts.toURI
res1: java.net.URI = file:/etc/hosts
A workaround is to use NIO’s java.nio.file.Path#toUri
scala> etcHosts.toPath.toUri
res2: java.net.URI = file:///etc/hosts
u3 notation can roundtrip back to java.io.File
scala> new File(res2)
res3: java.io.File = /etc/hosts
Since u1 and u2 are also legal URI, let’s see if they are handled:
scala> new File(new URI("file:/etc/hosts"))
res4: java.io.File = /etc/hosts
scala> new File(new URI("file://localhost/etc/hosts"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
relative path from Unix-like filesystem
A relative path from Unix-like filesystem ../src/main/
should be encoded using relative reference ../src/main
As noted previously, URI reference is able to express a relative path, similar to the relative path on filesystems.
In Scala/Java, java.nio.file.Path#toUri
unfortunately produces full URI:
scala> import java.io.File
scala> import java.net.URI
scala> val upSrcMain = new File("../src/main")
scala> upSrcMain.toPath.toUri
res1: java.net.URI = file:///Users/someone/io/../src/main
Here’s how to get a relative path:
scala> def toUri_v1(f: File): URI = {
if (f.isAbsolute) f.toPath.toUri
else new URI(null, f.getPath, null)
scala> toUri_v1(upSrcMain)
res2: java.net.URI = ../src/main
This is a valid URI reference, but now it will not round trip using File
scala> new File(res2)
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not absolute
at java.io.File.<init>(File.java:416)
Here’s a workaround:
scala> new File(res2.getSchemeSpecificPart)
res4: java.io.File = ../src/main
absolute path on Windows filesystem
An absolute path on Windows filesystem C:\Documents and Settings\
should be encoded using u3 notation file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
to maximize compatibility with current and previous RFCs.
In addition to RFC 1738, there’s another interesting source which is a post titled File URIs in Windows written by Dave Risney for Internet Explorer Team Blog in 2006. This post states C:\Documents and Settings\davris\FileSchemeURIs.doc
should be encoded as file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/davris/FileSchemeURIs.doc
In Scala/Java, java.nio.file.Path#toUri
works only when you run it on Windows:
scala> import java.io.File
scala> val doc = new File("""C:\Documents and Settings\""")
doc: java.io.File = C:\Documents and Settings
scala> doc.toPath.toUri
res3: java.net.URI = file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
In addition to the 3 slashes, note that backslash is converted to slash, and that whitespace is denoted using percent notation %20
Since u1 and u2 are also legal URI, let’s see if they are handled:
scala> new File(new URI("file:/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/"))
res4: java.io.File = C:\Documents and Settings
scala> new File(new URI("file://localhost/C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI has an authority component
at java.io.File.<init>(File.java:423)
Just like Unix-like systems, Java doesn’t handle u2 notation.
Another notation that is mentioned in the non-normative Appendix E.2. DOS and Windows Drive Letters of RFC 8089 is u0 notation.
This is intended to support the minimal representation of a local file in a DOS- or Windows-like environment, with no authority field and an absolute path that begins with a drive letter. For example:
Accomodating u0 notation for Windows absolute path opens the door to an elegant conversion from any absolute file path to URI: just prepend file:
in front of the path after slash conversion. But this does not work by default:
scala> new File(new URI("file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/"))
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: URI is not hierarchical
at java.io.File.<init>(File.java:418)
Here’s a workaround:
scala> def toFile(uri: URI): File = {
Option(uri.getScheme) match {
case None | Some("file") => true
case _ => false
s"Expected protocol to be 'file' or empty in URI $uri"
val part = uri.getSchemeSpecificPart
if (!(part startsWith "/") && (part contains ":")) new File("///" + part)
else new File(part)
scala> toFile(new URI("file:C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/"))
res6: java.io.File = C:\Documents and Settings
Even though using u0 notation has a nice property, given the blog post by Microsoft and backward compatibility with RFC 1738, if you are on the emitting side, u3 notation is recommended.
relative path on Windows filesystem
A relative path on Windows filesystem ..\My Documents\test
should be encoded using relative reference ../My%20Documents/test
In Scala/Java, we need to convert the backslash to slash manually for the relative path.
scala> val upDocsTest = new File("""..\My Documents\test""")
upDocsTest: java.io.File = ..\My Documents\test
scala> def toUri(f: File): URI = {
if (f.isAbsolute) f.toPath.toUri
else {
val sep = File.separatorChar
val slashPath = if (sep == '/') f.getPath
else f.getPath.replace(sep, '/')
new URI(null, slashPath, null)
scala> toUri(upDocsTest)
res9: java.net.URI = ../My%20Documents/test
calling File
with URI#getSchemeSpecificPart
scala> new File(res9.getSchemeSpecificPart)
res10: java.io.File = ..\My Documents\test
UNC path on Windows filesystem
A UNC paths on Windows \\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
should be encoded using u2 notation file://laptop/My%20Documents/Some.doc
File URIs in Windows post also agrees that it should be encoded as file://laptop/My%20Documents/Some.doc
In Scala/Java, java.nio.file.Path#toUri
works while on Windows, so we can use toUri(...)
that we wrote earlier:
scala> val unc = new File("""\\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc""")
unc: java.io.File = \\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
scala> toUri(unc)
res14: java.net.URI = file://laptop/My%20Documents/Some.doc
This also roundtrips using URI#getSchemeSpecificPart
scala> new File(res14.getSchemeSpecificPart)
res15: java.io.File = \\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
Another school of thought is to treat UNC path as path component of URI, and keep the authority blank. This will result to u4 notation.
scala> new File(new URI("file:////laptop/My%20Documents/Some.doc"))
res16: java.io.File = \\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
Improving runtime performance
In eed3si9n/sjson-new#117 João Ferreira pointed out that java.nio.file.Path#toUri
is expensive because it calls stat
to check if the path is a directory or not, and thus it should be avoided during Json serialization.
Here’s the new toUri
that’s faster:
scala> import java.io.File
import java.net.{ URI, URISyntaxException }
import java.util.Locale
scala> val isWindows: Boolean =
scala> final val FileScheme = "file"
scala> def toUri(input: File): URI = {
def ensureHeadSlash(name: String) =
if (name.nonEmpty && name.head != File.separatorChar) File.separatorChar.toString + name
else name
def normalizeToSlash(name: String) =
if (File.separatorChar == '/') name
else name.replace(File.separatorChar, '/')
val p = input.getPath
if (isWindows && p.nonEmpty && p.head == File.separatorChar)
if (p.startsWith("""\\""")) new URI(FileScheme, normalizeToSlash(p), null)
else new URI(FileScheme, "", normalizeToSlash(p), null)
else if (input.isAbsolute)
new URI(FileScheme, "", normalizeToSlash(ensureHeadSlash(input.getAbsolutePath)), null)
else new URI(null, normalizeToSlash(p), null)
scala> val etcHosts = new File("/etc/hosts")
scala> toURI(etcHosts)
val res0: java.net.URI = file:///etc/hosts
This implementation will use u3 notation for absolute paths from Unix-like filesystem. Note that this will hold whether the code is run on Linux or Windows.
Here’s the summary. If you are converting from a file path to a URI reference:
- Absolute paths from Unix-like filesystem (
): Use u3 notationfile:///etc/hosts
- Relative paths from Unix-like filesystem (
): Use relative reference../src/main
- Absolute paths from Windows filesystem (
C:\Documents and Settings\
): Use u3 notationfile:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/
- Relative paths from Windows filesystem (
..\My Documents\test
): Use relative reference../My%20Documents/test
- UNC paths from Windows (
\\laptop\My Documents\Some.doc
): Use u2 notationfile://laptop/My%20Documents/Some.doc
If you are converting from a URI reference to a file path, in addition to the above,
Handle u0 notation
Handle u1 notation
Handle u2 notation
for local path -
Handle u4 notation