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traveling through the 4th dimension with sbt 0.13

Warning: This is a memo about sbt for intermediate users.

setting system

At the heart of sbt 0.13 is the setting system, just like sbt 0.12. Let’s look at Settings.scala:

trait Init[Scope] {

  final case class ScopedKey[T](
    scope: Scope,
    key: AttributeKey[T]) extends KeyedInitialize[T] {

  sealed trait Initialize[T] {
    def dependencies: Seq[ScopedKey[_]]
    def evaluate(map: Settings[Scope]): T

  sealed class Setting[T] private[Init](
    val key: ScopedKey[T], 
    val init: Initialize[T], 
    val pos: SourcePosition) extends SettingsDefinition {

If we ignore pos for now, a setting of T consists of the lhs key whose type is ScopedKey[T], and the rhs init whose type is Initialize[T].

first dimension

For simplicity, we can think of ScopedKey[T] to be SettingKey[T] and TaskKey[T] scoped in the default context like the current project. Then all we have left is essentially Initialize[T], which has a sequence of dependent keys and some potential to evaluate to T. The operator that works directly with Initialized[T] is <<= implemented in the keys. See Structure.scala:

sealed trait DefinableSetting[T] {
  final def <<= (app: Initialize[T]): Setting[T] = 
    macro std.TaskMacro.settingAssignPosition[T]

Guessing from its name, the macro is assigning pos. In sbt 0.12, Initialize[T] was constructed by calling monkey-patched apply or map method on tuple of keys. In sbt 0.13, there is nicer := operator. See Structure.scala:

sealed trait DefinableTask[T] {
  def := (v: T): Setting[Task[T]] = 
    macro std.TaskMacro.taskAssignMacroImpl[T]

Plain := operator expects an argument of type T and it creates an instance of Setting[T] or Setting[Task[T]] supposedly with an internal Initalize[T] instance. When the macro sees keys calling value method, it automatically converts the entire expression into a <<= expression.

name := {
  organization.value + "-" + baseDirectory.value.getName

is expanded into

name <<= (organization, baseDirectory) { (o, b) =>
  o + "-" + b.getName

This is nice because := works the same for both settings and tasks.

val startServer = taskKey[Unit]("start server.")
val integrationTest = taskKey[Unit]("integration test.")

integrationTest := {
  val x = startServer.value
  println("do something")

startServer := {

start.value is evaluated at runtime based on the value associated with the key. This kind of task-to-task dependency can be found in other build tools like Ant. This is the primary dimension in sbt.

Where := starts to break down a bit is when you try to define the task elsewhere.

val orgBaseDirName = {
  organization.value + "-" + baseDirectory.value.getName

name := orgBaseDirName

This will results in the following error:

build.sbt:14: error: `value` can only be used within a task or setting macro, such as :=, +=, ++=, Def.task, or Def.setting.
  organization.value + "-" + baseDirectory.value.getName

To wrap the block in the appropriate macro, we need to write it as:

val orgBaseDirName: Def.Initialize[String] = Def.setting {
  organization.value + "-" + baseDirectory.value.getName

name := orgBaseDirName

The type annotation on orgBaseDirName is not required, but it helps to know this clearly. The next error message is no surprise:

build.sbt:17: error: type mismatch;
 found   : sbt.Def.Initialize[String]
 required: String
name := orgBaseDirName
[error] Type error in expression

:= expects String, so we need to evaluate Initialize[String]. Interestingly, value method works here too. value method is defined in MacroValue[T]. See InputWrapper.scala:

sealed abstract class MacroValue[T] {
  @compileTimeOnly("`value` can only be used within a task or setting macro, such as :=, +=, ++=, Def.task, or Def.setting.")
  def value: T = macro InputWrapper.valueMacroImpl[T]

There’s an implicit conversion that injects value method to anonymous Initialize[T] instances and setting keys (keys are Initialize[T] too).

per-task settings

The second dimension in sbt is the task-scoping of keys. Task scoping had been there, but it has become more prominent through the sbt plugin community trying to figure out best use of keys. I had a small part to this along with Brian (@bmc), Doug (@softprops), Josh (@jsuereth), and Mark (@harrah). Two things that came out of numerous ML posts and irc chat were:

Using sbt/sbt-assembly as example, jarName is customized as follows:

import AssemblyKeys._


jarName in assembly := "something.jar"

This is a useful concept because it allows a setting to limit its effect within the build definition. Here’s another example:

import AssemblyKeys._


test in assembly := {}

assembly task, by default, runs test task before it creates a fat jar, but in the above the build user has suppressed the behavior. What’s actually going on is that assembly task was written in a way such that it does not directly depend on the test task. Instead, it depends on assembly::test task. See Plugin.scala:

private def assemblyTask(key: TaskKey[File]): Initialize[Task[File]] = Def.task {
  val t = (test in key).value
  val s = (streams in key).value
  Assembly((outputPath in key).value, (assemblyOption in key).value,
    (packageOptions in key).value, (assembledMappings in key).value,
    s.cacheDirectory, s.log)

lazy val baseAssemblySettings: Seq[sbt.Def.Setting[_]] = Seq(
  assembly := assemblyTask(assembly).value,
  test in assembly := (test in Test).value,

By scoping test key into assembly task, sbt-assembly provides an extension point for the build user.


Configuration is the third dimension in sbt that is not well understood. Getting Started guide’s Scopes defines it as follows:

A configuration defines a flavor of build, potentially with its own classpath, sources, generated packages, etc. The configuration concept comes from Ivy, which sbt uses for managed dependencies, and from MavenScopes.

The key point here is that a configuration has its own classpath and sources. The most widely used configuration besides the default one is Test. It has its own set of source code and libraries.

Regular syntax for scoping a key to a configuration is key in Test in Scala and test:key in the shell. Managed library is different since it uses % to denote the configuration for libraryDependencies.

libraryDependencies += "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.2.3" % "test"

% "test" is short for % "test->default", which grabs Compile artifacts from depenencies and puts them in Test configuration of this project.

It’s relatively easy to define custom configuration. But building up the settings tree sometimes could be tricky. Some of the StackOverflow sbt questions I’ve answered boiled down to setting up configurations.

Take Multiple executable jar files with different external dependencies from a single project with sbt-assembly for instance. Here’s the build.sbt that I posted:

import AssemblyKeys._

val Dispatch10 = config("dispatch10") extend(Compile)
val TestDispatch10 = config("testdispatch10") extend(Test)
val Dispatch11 = config("dispatch11") extend(Compile)
val TestDispatch11 = config("testdispatch11") extend(Test)

val root =".")).
  configs(Dispatch10, TestDispatch10, Dispatch11, TestDispatch11).
    name := "helloworld",
    organization := "com.eed3si9n",
    scalaVersion := "2.10.2",
    compile in Test := inc.Analysis.Empty,
    compile in Compile := inc.Analysis.Empty,
    libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
      "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % "0.10.0" % "dispatch10,testdispatch10", 
      "net.databinder.dispatch" %% "dispatch-core" % "0.11.0" % "dispatch11,testdispatch11",
      "org.specs2" %% "specs2" % "2.2" % "test",
      "com.github.scopt" %% "scopt" % "3.0.0"
  settings(inConfig(Dispatch10)(Classpaths.configSettings ++ Defaults.configTasks ++ baseAssemblySettings ++ Seq(
    test := (test in TestDispatch10).value,
    test in assembly := test.value,
    assemblyDirectory in assembly := cacheDirectory.value / "assembly-dispatch10",
    jarName in assembly := name.value + "-assembly-dispatch10_" + version.value + ".jar"
  )): _*).
  settings(inConfig(TestDispatch10)(Classpaths.configSettings ++ Defaults.configTasks ++ Defaults.testTasks ++ Seq(
    internalDependencyClasspath := Seq((classDirectory in Dispatch10).value).classpath
  )): _*).
  settings(inConfig(Dispatch11)(Classpaths.configSettings ++ Defaults.configTasks ++ baseAssemblySettings ++ Seq(
    test := (test in TestDispatch11).value,
    test in assembly := test.value,
    assemblyDirectory in assembly := cacheDirectory.value / "assembly-dispatch11",
    jarName in assembly := name.value + "-assembly-dispatch11_" + version.value + ".jar"
  )): _*).
  settings(inConfig(TestDispatch11)(Classpaths.configSettings ++ Defaults.configTasks ++ Defaults.testTasks ++ Seq(
    internalDependencyClasspath := Seq((classDirectory in Dispatch11).value).classpath
  )): _*)

Given the identical source code for main and test, the above build sets up configurations that use Dispatch 0.10 and 0.11. Running dispatch10:assembly would create a fat jar using Dispatch 0.10, and running dispatch11:assembly would create a fat jar using Dispatch 0.11. This was possible due to the fact that sbt-assembly was designed to be configuration-neutral.

Another example that show cases configuration is How to format the sbt build files with scalariform automatically? Here’s scalariform.sbt:

import scalariform.formatter.preferences._
import ScalariformKeys._

lazy val BuildConfig = config("build") extend Compile
lazy val BuildSbtConfig = config("buildsbt") extend Compile




scalaSource in BuildConfig := baseDirectory.value / "project"

scalaSource in BuildSbtConfig := baseDirectory.value

includeFilter in (BuildConfig, format) := ("*.scala": FileFilter)

includeFilter in (BuildSbtConfig, format) := ("*.sbt": FileFilter)

format in BuildConfig := {
  val x = (format in BuildSbtConfig).value
  (format in BuildConfig).value

preferences := preferences.value.
  setPreference(AlignSingleLineCaseStatements, true).
  setPreference(AlignParameters, true)

Running build:scalariformFormat would format the **.sbt and project/**.scala files. This too was possible because sbt-scalariform is configuration-neutral. But because it uses includeFilter instead of sources, I had to create two configurations to do one job.


There’s a file called Unidoc.scala in Akka project that a few people knew about. It defines unidoc task which aggregates source code from all projects defined in the build, and runs Scaladoc on it. Very useful for any projects that modularizes build into small subprojects.

Naturally, my idea was to borrow the code and make it into sbt-unidoc plugin. Then a few weeks ago @inkytonik told me that he would like to run it for Test configuration. All this talk about configuration neutrality, and there I was.

When I got around to implementing the source aggregation across multiple projects and configurations, I stumbled across a gem added in sbt 0.13 called ScopeFilter. The details are described in Getting values from multiple scopes.

The general form of an expression that gets values from multiple scopes is:


The all method is implicitly added to tasks and settings.

And here’s the example aggregating all sources:

val filter = ScopeFilter(inProjects(core, util), inConfigurations(Compile))
// each sources definition is of type Seq[File],
//   giving us a Seq[Seq[File]] that we then flatten to Seq[File]
val allSources: Seq[Seq[File]] = sources.all(filter).value

All I had to do for sbt-unidoc was to create settings for ProjectFilter and ConfigurationFilter and let the user rewire it. Here’s the example of exluding a project:

val root = (project in file(".")).
  settings(commonSettings: _*).
  settings(unidocSettings: _*).
    name := "foo",
    unidocProjectFilter in (ScalaUnidoc, unidoc) := inAnyProject -- inProjects(app)
  aggregate(library, app)

and here’s another example, which adds multiple configurations:

val root = (project in file(".")).
  settings(commonSettings: _*).
  settings(unidocSettings: _*).
    name := "foo",
    unidocConfigurationFilter in (TestScalaUnidoc, unidoc) := inConfigurations(Compile, Test),
  aggregate(library, app)

Internally, I just run all on sources:

val f = (unidocScopeFilter in unidoc).value

The fourth dimension in sbt is the project, and we now have a vehicle to travel through the third and forth dimension. Where we take this is up to us.