
Let’s look into the pattern expressions.

Variable patterns 

Variable patterns are written as ID(sym|"x") and WILDCARD. They both match any value:

ID("x")                      // x
WILDCARD                     // _

Typed patterns 

Typed patterns are written as pat withType(typ|"C"):

ID("x") withType(IntClass)   // (x: Int)
WILDCARD withType(IntClass)  // (_: Int)

Pattern binders 

Pattern binders are written as pat withBinder(sym|"x"). Binders are used to give names to patterns:

WILDCARD withBinder("x")     // (x @ _)

Literal patterns 

Literal patterns are written using LIT(...):

LIT("X")                     // "X"

Stable identifier patterns 

Stable identifier patterns are written using BACKQUOTED(sym|"x"):

BACKQUOTED("x")              // `x`

Constructor patterns 

Constructor patterns are written by calling UNAPPLY(pattern, ...) to a symbol or a tree:


This prints as:

Address(_, _, _)

Tuple patterns 

Tuple patterns are written using TUPLE(pattern, ...):

TUPLE(LIT(0), LIT(1))        // (0, 1)

Pattern sequences 

Sequence wildcards are written using SEQ_WILDCARD withBinder(sym|"x"):

REF("C") UNAPPLY(SEQ_WILDCARD withBinder("xs"))

This prints as:

C((xs @ _*))

Infix operation patterns 

Infix operations patterns are written by calling INFIX(op) UNAPPLY(pat, ...) to a symbol or a tree:


This prints as:

0 :: Nil

Because this pattern appears frequently, treehugger DSL provides a built-in constructor UNLIST_:::

LIT(0) UNLIST_:: NIL         // 0 :: Nil

This works because an infix operation pattern p op (q, …) is a shorthand for the constructor pattern op(p, q, …).

Pattern alternatives 

Pattern alternatives are written as pat1 OR_PATTERN pat2:

LIT("New York") OR_PATTERN LIT("Paris")

This prints as:

"New York" | "Paris"