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stricter Scala with -Yno-lub

For a flexible language like Scala, it’s useful to think of subset of the programming language, like your own personal Good Parts, and opinionated style guides.


To try -Yno-lub, you can drop in the following sbt plugin to project/ynolub.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-ynolub" % "0.2.0")


When Scala’s type inferencer finds type A and type B to unify, it tries to calculate the lub (least upper bounds) of two types with regards to <:<. This process is sometimes called lubbing. Here are some of the examples:

scala> if (true) Some(1) else None
res0: Option[Int] = Some(1)

scala> if (true) List(1) else Nil
res1: List[Int] = List(1)

One idea I’ve been thinking about for a few years is that lubbing in its current form is not helpful. Here’s a tweet from 2013:

This is in part due to the fact that the subtyping relationship described by <:< encodes many different things in Scala. By automatically lubbing, Scala will unify various things into an expression. Here are some examples:

scala> if (true) Right(1) else Left("1")
res2: ....

scala> 1 match { case 1 => Array(1); case n => Vector(n) }
res3: ....

scala> if (true) 1 else false
res4: ....

scala> 1 match { case 1 => 2; case n => None }
res5: ....

scala> if (true) Vector(1) else Range(1, 1)
res6: ....

Because of the universal top type Any, Scala will unify any two types together.

By the way, can you guess what the return types are?

scala> if (true) Right(1) else Left("1")
res2: Product with Serializable with scala.util.Either[String,Int] = Right(1)

scala> 1 match { case 1 => Array(1); case n => Vector(n) }
res3: = Array(1)

scala> if (true) 1 else false
res4: AnyVal = 1

scala> 1 match { case 1 => 2; case n => None }
res5: Any = 2

scala> if (true) Vector(1) else Range(1, 1)
res6: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] with scala.collection.AbstractSeq[Int] with Serializable with scala.collection.CustomParallelizable[Int,scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Int] with Serializable{def seq: scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] with scala.collection.AbstractSeq[Int] with Serializable with scala.collection.CustomParallelizable[Int,scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParSeq[Int] with Serializable]{def dropRight(n: Int): scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] with scala.collection.AbstractSeq[Int] with Serializable; def takeRight(n: Int): scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] with scala.collection.AbstractSeq[Int] with Serializable; def drop(n: Int): scala.collection.immutable.IndexedSeq[Int] with scala.collection.AbstractSeq[Int] with Se...

Above examples demonstrate that lubbing is hard to reason, and often surprising.

One evidence that lubbing is a problem is the prevailing “best practice” of annotating the return type of methods or implicit values. The first places I’ve heard it probably was Dick and Bill’s talk at Scala Days 2011. It’s a good advice, but like many patterns and best practices, isn’t it working around the problem of the language? We have no idea what the type inferencer is going to do with lubbing, so we are putting a check on each method.

When something is performed automatically, the outcome should be safe and predictable. Also, the above examples indicates that the matter of unifying type A and type B could involve a matter of taste in terms of thinking what two types are comparable.

Let’s start from the top. Right(1) and Left("1"). Should these be compared together? I think it makes sense to support algebraic data types somehow. What I am not sure if how they should be encoded. The current return type of Product with Serializable with scala.util.Either[String,Int] is not desirable for sure.

Next up, Array(1) and Vector(n). Personally speaking, I consider two different datatypes to be different things, and should not be unified automatically. Both of them might implement some common trait or typeclass, but that doesn’t mean that I want to unify them in an if-expression, pattern matching, or for-comprehension.

Next, 1 and false. Again, I don’t think these types should be compared in the same expression. Note that I am not advocating against the existence of Seq trait or AnyVal trait. I just don’t think 1 and false should be lubbed into AnyVal.

The example of 2 and None emulates someone forgetting to wrap 2 in Some(...). It demonstrates that lubbing can defeat the purpose of having static type checking.

The last example is from Jon Pretty’s Demystifying Type Inference talk.

where lubs can show up

So far I’ve used if-expression and pattern matching as the examples, but lubbing can show up in other places. Jon’s talk highlights that constructing datatypes like List can cause lubbing.

scala> List(Array(1), Vector(2))
res7: List[] = List(Array(1), Vector(2))

scala> List(1, false)
res8: List[AnyVal] = List(1, false)

scala> List(1, None)
res9: List[Any] = List(1, None)

Another way of looking at it is that this is calling List.apply[A](1, None), and the compiler needs to infer what A is. Here’s a simpler function to demonstrate this point:

scala> def first[A](a1: A, a2: A): A = a1
first: [A](a1: A, a2: A)A

scala> first(Array(1), Vector(2))
res10: = Array(1)

scala> first(1, false)
res11: AnyVal = 1

There’s also the entire topic of numeric widening:

scala> List(1, 1L)
res12: List[Long] = List(1, 1)

scala> 1 :: List(1L)
res13: List[AnyVal] = List(1, 1)

doing less

I have a limited experience working with TypeScript, but I was delighted how thin the wrapping felt when using it. It does add static type checking and type inference, but generally one could guess what JavaScript it will emit. Some things do not compile, and you help out the compiler.

For example, it prevents the unification of Number and Boolean:

var x = function() {
  if (true) return 1
  else return false

This results to:

No best common type exists among return expressions.

If I really want to, I need to cast them to any manually, which I like:

var x = function() {
  if (true) return <any>1
  else return <any>false

I’ve been thinking about the idea of Scala compiler flag called -Yno-lub that turns off lubbing. For a while, I’d bring this up at post-conference socializing or on a bus when I get to sit next to someone from Scala team. Most recently, Seth encouraged me to start at the grass root, and give talks and write a blog post.

Since Scala World 2015 was coming up, I thought it would be a fun thing to show at the Sunday Unconference. To try it out, see the instruction at the beginning of this page. The sbt plugin will rewire your build to will use my hacked 2.11 build of Scala compiler along with the -Yno-lub.


Getting the proof of concept up and running was surprisingly simple because when I grepped for the word lub, I quickly found a function that’s named just that:

    /** The least upper bound wrt <:< of a list of types */
    protected[internal] def lub(ts: List[Type], depth: Depth): Type = ....

I could add some lines like this. What could go wrong?:

    val res =
      if (noLub) checkSameTypes(ts)
      else lub0(ts)

Because this cuts out most of the lubbing logic, a potential side benefit of -Yno-lub could be that it could lead to reduction in compilation time.

This was good enough for the examples we’ve seen above. Here’s the result:

scala> if (true) Right(1) else Left("1")
<console>:12: error: same types expected: scala.util.Right[Nothing,Int] and scala.util.Left[String,Nothing]
       if (true) Right(1) else Left("1")

scala> if (true) (Right(1): Either[String, Int]) else (Left("1"): Either[String, Int])
res1: Either[String,Int] = Right(1)

scala> 1 match { case 1 => Array(1); case n => Vector(n) }
<console>:12: error: same types expected: Array[Int] and scala.collection.immutable.Vector[Int]
       1 match { case 1 => Array(1); case n => Vector(n) }

scala> if (true) 1 else false
<console>:12: error: same types expected: Int and Boolean
       if (true) 1 else false

scala> 1 match { case 1 => 2; case n => None }
<console>:12: error: same types expected: Int and None.type
       1 match { case 1 => 2; case n => None }

As you can see, Right(1) and Left("1") case will now require type annotation to compile. The same goes for None and Nil:

scala> if (true) Some(1) else None
<console>:12: error: same types expected: Some[Int] and None.type
       if (true) Some(1) else None

scala> if (true) List(1) else Nil
<console>:12: error: same types expected: List[Int] and scala.collection.immutable.Nil.type
       if (true) List(1) else Nil

This is similar to algebraic data type encoding issue. It’s a bit annoying to annotate all Nils, but I’d be willing to deal with it.

“real-world” issues and workarounds

Here are some of the issues that I ran into when trying to use -Yno-lub.

unification with the Nothing type

One of the things I took for granted was the unification with the Nothing type. Consider:

scala> if (true) 1 else sys.error("boom")

This is an unification of Int and Nothing. Strictly speaking, we should not allow it, but I’ve decided to make a compromise here since throwing an exception is an opt-in act by the programmer.

unification of existential types

Here’s another one that I had to work around:

scala> def something(clazz: Class[_]): List[Class[_]] = {
         if (true) List(clazz)
         else clazz :: something(clazz.getSuperclass)
<console>:13: error: same types expected: Class[_] and Class[_$1]
         else clazz :: something(clazz.getSuperclass)

The first and second Class[_] is not considered the same type, but semantically they cover the same terms. To “fix” this, I had to go into the TypeComparers and add the following case:

  // @pre: at least one argument contains existentials
  private def sameExistentialTypes(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = (
    try {
      skolemizationLevel += 1
      (tp1.skolemizeExistential.normalize, tp2.skolemizeExistential.normalize) match {
        case (sk1: TypeRef, sk2: TypeRef) =>
          equalSymsAndPrefixes(sk1.sym, sk1.pre, sk2.sym, sk2.pre) &&
            (isSameHKTypes(sk1, sk2) ||
              ((sk1.args corresponds sk2.args) (isComparableSkolemType)))
        case _ => false
    } finally {
      skolemizationLevel -= 1
  // this comparison intentionally ignores the name of the symbol.
  private def isComparableSkolemType(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean =
    (tp1, tp2) match {
      case (sk1: TypeRef, sk2: TypeRef) => =:= &&
          sk1.pre =:= sk2.pre
      case _ => false


  private def isSameType1(tp1: Type, tp2: Type): Boolean = typeRelationPreCheck(tp1, tp2) match {
    case state if state.isKnown                                  => state.booleanValue
    case _ if typeHasAnnotations(tp1) || typeHasAnnotations(tp2) => sameAnnotatedTypes(tp1, tp2)
    case _ if containsExistential(tp1) || containsExistential(tp2) => sameExistentialTypes(tp1, tp2)
    case _                                                       => isSameType2(tp1, tp2)

As you can see, we are gradually getting sucked into the deeper ends.

code generation by case classes

Here’s something you might not have expected:

scala> case class Movie(name: String, year: Int)
<console>:11: error: same types expected: None.type and Some[(String, Int)]
       case class Movie(name: String, year: Int)

There’s a useful compiler flag called -Xprint:typer to find out what’s going on:

    case <synthetic> def unapply(x$0: Movie): Option[(String, Int)] = if (x$0.==(null))
      Some.apply[(String, Int)](scala.Tuple2.apply[String, Int](x$, x$0.year));

The generated code for unapply now needs type annotation. The same goes for productElement, which needs to be widened into Any manually:

    <synthetic> def productElement(x$1: Int): Any = x$1 match {
      case 0 =>
      case 1 => Movie.this.year
      case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(x$1.toString())

I’ve worked around that one too, but this spells a grim prospect of various generated code getting snagged by the newly introduced strictness.

code generation by if-clause

Another code generation:

scala> if (true) "1"
<console>:12: error: same types expected: String and Unit
       if (true) "1"

I haven’t worked around this issue in the compiler since we can fix it ourselves:

scala> if (true) { "1"; () }

There may be more issues, but now it’s able to compile more code than before.

encoding algebraic data types

The open issue is the encoding of the algebraic data types.

wrapping it with function

One way to workaround it in the user land is to provide wrappers that annotates the leaf values to the parent trait.

scala> def nil[A]: List[A] = (Nil: List[A])
nil: [A]=> List[A]

scala> if (true) List(1) else nil[Int]
res14: List[Int] = List(1)

This approach has a nice side benefit of being able to use typeclasses for List[A] for Eq etc.

sum type

But, if we could add first-class support in Scala, how would it look like? One idea might be treating Either[A1, A2] as a sum type of Left[A1] and Right[A2].

package object collection {
  type Either[A1, A2] = Left[A1] | Right[A2]

I don’t know if this works, because we’d want to put implementation in Either[A1, A2].

type restriction

Perhaps there should be a special syntax to denote the leaf types being part of a sum type:

sealed trait Either[A1, A2] {
  def a1: A1
  def a2: A2
  def leftOption: Option[A1] =
    this match {
      case Left(a1) => (Some(a1): Option[A1])
      case Right(_) => (None: Option[A1])
  def rightOption: Option[A2] =
    this match {
      case Left(_)   => (None: Option[A1])
      case Right(a2) => (Some(a2): Option[A2])
  def isLeft: Boolean =
    this match {
      case Left(_)  => true
      case Right(_) => false
  def isRight: Boolean = !isLeft
  def map[B](f: A2 => B): Either[A1, B] =
    this match {
      case Left(a1)  => Left(a1)
      case Right(a2) => Right(f(a2))
final case class Left[A1](a1: A1) restricts Either[A1, Nothing]
final case class Right[A2](a2: A2) restricts Either[Nothing, A2]

This imaginary restriction type is a special kind of subtype that is not allowed to introduce any new fields besides that ones captured by the constructor. This could be used to tell the compiler that it’s ok to infer Either[A1, A2]. By not allowing any implementation on the restricted types, hopefully we can distinguish Vector extending Seq vs straightforward algebraic data types.


Because Scala encodes various things using subtyping, the result of the type inference by means of calculating the lub of type A and type B is often unpredictable, and unhelpful. The boundary of which two types should be considered comparable could also be subjective. -Yno-lub is an experimental flag to experience Scala with weaker type inferencing, where two types are requires to be identical. The challenges remain on various code generation unaware of this flag and on encoding of algebraic data types.