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Selective functor in sbt

In sbt core concepts talks I’ve been calling sbt a casually functional build tool. Two hallmarks of functional programming are that it uses immutable data structure instead of mutation, and that it gives attention to when and how effects are handled.

settings and tasks

From this perspective, we can think of setting expressions and tasks to be those two things:

Anonymous settings are represented using Initialize[A], which looks like this:

  sealed trait Initialize[A] {
    def dependencies: Seq[ScopedKey[_]]
    def evaluate(build: BuildStructure): A // approx

Named settings are represented with Setting class:

  sealed class Setting[A] private[Init] (
      val key: ScopedKey[A],
      val init: Initialize[A],
      val pos: SourcePosition
  ) ....

sbt.Task is can be seen as a wrapper around side effect function () => A. However when we say “compile is a task.” The task in this context is represented using Initialize[Task[A]]. They are settings of type Task[A].

We can confirm this by looking at the return type of Def.task, which is Def.Initialize[Task[A]].

Applicative composition

Def.task is a macro that encodes Applicative composition of tasks (Def.Initialize[Task[A]]s). Consider the following tasks task1, task2, and task3:

lazy val task1 = taskKey[Int]("")
lazy val task2 = taskKey[Int]("")
lazy val task3 = taskKey[Int]("")

task1 := 1
task2 := 2

task3 := {
  val t1 = task1.value
  val t2 = task2.value
  t1 + t2

If we write this out using tuple syntax, it looks like:

task3 := ((task1, task2) map { case (t1, t2) =>
  t1 + t2

This gives us a few information.

This allows the task scheduler to run task1 and task2 in parallel if the CPU cores are available. In addition sbt can introspect the graph and provide display the task dependencies:

sbt:selective> inspect tree task3
[info] task3 = Task[Int]
[info]   +-task1 = Task[Int]
[info]   +-task2 = Task[Int]

It sometimes helps to do a thought experiment to visualize things. Ignoring pandemic for now, let’s say a relative is flying in and picking them up would take 1~2 hours. You also want to make a nice dinner, and say that takes 2h too. If you have a partner, one can do the airport run and the other person can do the cooking to utilize time. In the end, you both need the dinner cooked and the relative picked up to start the dinner.

Monadic composition

What if we want use the result from a task to decide which task to run next? In sbt, we can use Def.taskDyn for this.

lazy val condition = taskKey[Boolean]("")
lazy val trueAction = taskKey[Unit]("")
lazy val falseAction = taskKey[Unit]("")
lazy val foo = taskKey[Unit]("")

condition := true
trueAction := { println("true") }
falseAction := { println("false") }

foo := (Def.taskDyn {
  val c = condition.value
  if (c) trueAction
  else falseAction

If we write expand the macro, it would look like this:

foo := (condition flatMap { c =>
  if (c) trueAction
  else falseAction

This is more powerful from the point of view of the build author. But there are some drawbacks.

  1. foo is blocked on condition task. This is exactly what we wanted, but it also means we could lose some parallelism because of it.
  2. We lose the ability to introspect the task graph.
sbt:selective> inspect tree foo
[info] foo = Task[Unit]
[info]   +-condition = Task[Boolean]
[info]   +-Global / settingsData = Task[sbt.internal.util.Settings[sbt.Scope]]

Note that trueAction and falseAction are missing from the inspect tree result.

To avoid this problem, we would need to move the if condition into the implementation of the task itself. This is not always desirable when we are trying to compose tasks. I’ve heard this tention of Applicative and Monad composition in the context of the build tools discussed in ScalaSphere 2018 Incrementalism and Inference in Build Tools talk by Stu Hood. Looking back, he was citing Andrey Mokhov’s Build Systems à la Carte paper.

Going back to the dinner example, let’s say it’s your cousin. You want to ask him if he’s ok with pasta at home or go to a Moroccan restaurant otherwise. Either case, we can’t start cooking until he arrives from the airport. This is the tradeoff between flexibility and parallelism. We certainly can’t do 2h roasting.

Selective applicative functor

In April 2019, Dale told me about Build Systems à la Carte and Selective applicative functor paper also by Andrey Mokhov. I’ve never heard of Selective, and was curious how its benefit can be translated to sbt.

Here’s Selective as defined in Chris Birchall’s cats-selective:

trait Selective[F[_]] {
  def select[A, B](fab: F[Either[A, B]])(fn: F[A => B]): F[B]

The semantics is that if fab contains Right(b) it returns as-is, and applies fn when it contains Left(a), all in the context of F[_]. Using this as a building block, Mokhov shows that we can encode if functor. (See cats-selective):

trait Selective[F[_]] {
  def select[A, B](fab: F[Either[A, B]])(fn: F[A => B]): F[B]
  def branch[A, B, C](x: F[Either[A, B]])(l: F[A => C])(r: F[B => C]): F[C] = ...
  def ifS[A](x: F[Boolean])(t: F[A])(e: F[A]): F[A] = ....

The paper claims that the benefit of Selective is that we can express conditional task without giving up inspect. How is this possible?

The key is that Selective can be implemented in two different ways based on Monad or on Applicative, which gives different properties. This seems a bit unusual, but it’s in the paper as well:

One can implement select using monads in a straightforward manner …

// This is Scala implementation from cats-selective
def selectM[F[_]](implicit M: Monad[F]): Selective[F] =
  new Selective[F] {
    def select[A, B](fab: F[Either[A, B]])(fn: F[A => B]): F[B] =
      fab.flatMap {
        case Right(b) => M.pure(b)
        case Left(a)  =>

One can also implement a function with the type signature of select using applicative functors, but it will always execute the effects associated with the second argument, rendering any conditional execution of effects impossible…

// This is Scala implementation
def selectA[F[_]](implicit Ap: Applicative[F]): Selective[F] =
  new Selective[F] {
    def select[A, B](fab: F[Either[A, B]])(fn: F[A => B]): F[B] =
      (fab, fn) mapN { case (ab, n) =>
        ab match {
          case Right(b) => Ap.pure(b)
          case Left(a)  => n(a)

While selectM is useful for conditional execution of effects, selectA is useful for static analysis.

Going back to the dinner example, Selective is like beging ready for either chicken or vegetarian burger. Your cousin can pick from the two, and we won’t start cooking until he’s arrived but we’ll know ahead of time for shopping.

Selective composition of tasks

Here’s how we can implement foo task using Selective:

foo := (Def.ifS(condition)(trueAction)(falseAction)).value,

Let’s try running this:

sbt:selective> foo

It seems to work. How would inspect run?

sbt:selective> inspect tree foo
[info] foo = Task[Unit]
[info]   +-condition = Task[Boolean]
[info]   +-falseAction = Task[Unit]
[info]   +-trueAction = Task[Unit]

inspect works too.

Here’s the implementation of selectITask in Def:

  private[sbt] def selectITask[A, B](
      fab: Initialize[Task[Either[A, B]]],
      fin: Initialize[Task[A => B]]
  ): Initialize[Task[B]] =
    fab.zipWith(fin)((ab, in) =>, in))

fab.zipWith(fin) is using Applicative semantics at the Initialize[_] layer. is defined as follows:

  def select[A, B](fab: Task[Either[A, B]], f: Task[A => B]): Task[B] =
    Task(newInfo(, new Selected[A, B](fab, f))

At the construction, we’re just capturing the effect and not doing anything. Right when the task engine is about to schedule this task, I reencode the Selected into a Monadic composition:

  private[sbt] def asFlatMapped: FlatMapped[B, K] = {
    val f: Either[A, B] => Task[B] = {
      case Right(b) => std.TaskExtra.task(b)
      case Left(a)  => std.TaskExtra.singleInputTask(fin).map(_(a))
    FlatMapped[B, K](fab, {
      f compose std.TaskExtra.successM
    }, ml)

In other words, the setting layer is composed applicatively, and the task layer is composed monadically to take advantage of both of the aspects of Selective.

some use cases

We can try substituting some usages of Def.taskDyn using Def.ifS. Here’s dependencyResolutionTask:

def dependencyResolutionTask: Def.Initialize[Task[DependencyResolution]] =
  Def.taskDyn {
    if (useCoursier.value) {
      Def.task { CoursierDependencyResolution(csrConfiguration.value) }
    } else
      Def.task {
        IvyDependencyResolution(ivyConfiguration.value, CustomHttp.okhttpClient.value)

This prevents dependencyResolution task from getting inspected:

sbt:selective> inspect tree dependencyResolution
[info] dependencyResolution = Task[sbt.librarymanagement.DependencyResolution]
[info]   +-Global / settingsData = Task[sbt.internal.util.Settings[sbt.Scope]]
[info]   +-Global / useCoursier = true

We can rewrite dependencyResolutionTask as follows:

def dependencyResolutionTask: Def.Initialize[Task[DependencyResolution]] =
  Def.ifS(useCoursier.toTask)(Def.task { CoursierDependencyResolution(csrConfiguration.value) })(
    Def.task { IvyDependencyResolution(ivyConfiguration.value, CustomHttp.okhttpClient.value) }
sbt:selective> inspect tree dependencyResolution
[info] dependencyResolution = Task[sbt.librarymanagement.DependencyResolution]
[info]   +-csrConfiguration = Task[lmcoursier.CoursierConfiguration]
[info]   | +-allCredentials = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.librarymanagement.ivy.Credentials]]
[info]   | | +-Global / credentials = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.librarymanagement.ivy.Credentials]]
[info]   | | +-allCredentials / streams = Task[sbt.std.TaskStreams[sbt.internal.util.Init$ScopedKey[_ <: Any]]]
[info]   | | | +-Global / streamsManager = Task[sbt.std.Streams[sbt.internal.util.Init$ScopedKey[_ <: Any]]]
[info]   | | |
[info]   | | +-credentials = Task[scala.collection.Seq[sbt.librarymanagement.ivy.Credentials]]
[info]   | |

Let’s try another example.

def publishTask(config: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]): Initialize[Task[Unit]] =
  Def.taskDyn {
    val s = streams.value
    val skp = (publish / skip).value
    val ref = thisProjectRef.value
    if (skp) Def.task { s.log.debug(s"Skipping publish* for ${ref.project}") } else
      Def.task { IvyActions.publish(ivyModule.value, config.value, s.log) }
  } tag (Tags.Publish, Tags.Network)

In this case we’re using Def.taskDyn to skip the underlying publish task if publish / skip is true.

def publishTask(config: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]): Initialize[Task[Unit]] =
  Def.ifS((publish / skip).toTask)(Def.task {
    val s = streams.value
    val ref = thisProjectRef.value
    s.log.debug(s"Skipping publish* for ${ref.project}")
  })(Def.task {
    val s = streams.value
    IvyActions.publish(ivyModule.value, config.value, s.log)
  }) tag (Tags.Publish, Tags.Network)

This should work as before, and we get inspect back.

code as data

Def.ifS works as expected, but Def.ifS(...)(...)(...) looks a bit alien in Scala. In Scala it’s more idiomatic to express if conditions using if. We can encode this in Def.task(...) macro.

When the top-level expression within Def.task(...) is an if-expression, we can hoist the contents into Def.ifS(...)(...)(...). Let’s see how the example usages become:

def dependencyResolutionTask: Def.Initialize[Task[DependencyResolution]] =
  Def.task {
    if (useCoursier.value) CoursierDependencyResolution(csrConfiguration.value)
    else IvyDependencyResolution(ivyConfiguration.value, CustomHttp.okhttpClient.value)

def publishTask(config: TaskKey[PublishConfiguration]): Initialize[Task[Unit]] =
  Def.task {
    if ((publish / skip).value) {
      val s = streams.value
      val ref = thisProjectRef.value
      s.log.debug(s"Skipping publish* for ${ref.project}")
    } else {
      val s = streams.value
      IvyActions.publish(ivyModule.value, config.value, s.log)
  } tag (Tags.Publish, Tags.Network)

This would require some documentation to explain what’s going on, but I think it’s more approachable than Def.ifS(...)(...)(...).

more thoughts on Selective

In this post I focused on ifS combinator since that seems like a good entry point, but Selective applicative functor offers other combinators too.

trait Selective[F[_]] {
  def select[A, B](fab: F[Either[A, B]])(fn: F[A => B]): F[B]
  def branch[A, B, C](x: F[Either[A, B]])(l: F[A => C])(r: F[B => C]): F[C] = ...
  def ifS[A](x: F[Boolean])(t: F[A])(e: F[A]): F[A] = ...
  def whenS[A](fbool: F[Boolean])(fa: F[Unit]): F[Unit] = ...
  def bindBool[A](fbool: F[Boolean])(f: Boolean => F[A]): F[A] = ...
  def fromMaybeS[A](fa: F[A])(fm: F[Option[A]]): F[A] = ...
  def orS(fbool: F[Boolean])(fa: F[Boolean]): F[Boolean] = ...
  def andS(fbool: F[Boolean])(fa: F[Boolean]): F[Boolean] = ...
  def anyS[G[_]: Foldable, A](test: A => F[Boolean])(ga: G[A]): Eval[F[Boolean]] = ...
  def allS[G[_]: Foldable, A](test: A => F[Boolean])(ga: G[A]): Eval[F[Boolean]] = ...

I think branch is interesting. Internal to sbt, we abstract over arity using an interface called AList[X[F[A]]] when dealing with Applicative. Thinking along the line, Either[A, B] can be thought of the opposite of Tuple2[A, B]. In other words, Either[A, B] can be a building block toward handling Coproduct of A1, A2, A3

In Scala, a related syntax here might be pattern match:

something match {
  case pattern1 => something1
  case pattern2 => something2
  case pattern3 => something3

If we had that, if-expression can be encoded on top of that.


Selective functor can facilitate conditional execution of tasks while keeping the ability to run inspect command.

Selective composition can be implemented in sbt as conditional task:

Def.task {
  if (Boolean) something1
  else something2

PR to sbt is sbt/sbt#5558.


This was originally proposed as Def.taskIf { ... } was was merged as Def.task { ... }, so I’ve updated this post to reflect that.